Re: Duplicate Key Error in Cache

2011-07-13 Thread gamingdroid
if I knew what was going on in there, but I'm pretty new to Django. On Jul 13, 9:55 am, "Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]" wrote: > May I ask why you are using a database cache, rather than something like > memcache?? > > Cal > > > > > > > > On Tue

Duplicate Key Error in Cache

2011-07-12 Thread gamingdroid
I ran into this problem using django core's database cache: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "cache_pkey" STATEMENT: INSERT INTO "cache" (cache_key, value, expires) VALUES (E': 1:cms-menu_nodes_en-us_1', E'gAJdcQEoY21lbnVzLmJhc2UKTmF2aW LOG: server process (PID 8453) was te

Re: Why is the first Manager defined in a model the default?

2011-03-14 Thread gamingdroid
n't always available at model.objects? On Mar 14, 4:36 pm, James Bennett wrote: > On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 6:14 PM, gamingdroid wrote: > > So if the default manager isn't named objects, then how does the code > > know where the default lives? > > There's internal

Re: Why is the first Manager defined in a model the default?

2011-03-14 Thread gamingdroid
I guess what is the point of having a default manager? So if the default manager isn't named objects, then how does the code know where the default lives? Without the default (non-custom) manager, how is the code able to support commonly used operations such as model.objects.filter(...)? Basical

Re: Why is the first Manager defined in a model the default?

2011-03-14 Thread gamingdroid
I guess what is the point of having a default manager? So if the default manager isn't named objects, then how does the code know where the default lives? Without the default (non-custom) manager, how is the code able to support commonly used operations such as model.objects.filter(...)? Basical

Re: Why is the first Manager defined in a model the default?

2011-03-14 Thread gamingdroid
Hi Shawn, Thank you for your response. So is it correct then that if I assign a Manager object in my model, there will be no default Manager in model.object field? My book, The Definite Guide to Django, seem to suggest so, but it doesn't make sense. It essentially means you are breaking the abil

Re: Difference between RequestContext and Context?

2011-03-14 Thread gamingdroid
Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 8:16 AM, gamingdroid wrote: > > 1. So beyond the fact that RequestContext can accept a dictionary with > > values to be included in the Context, what is the difference between > > RequestContext and Context? > > > I tried reviewing the source code, b

Difference between RequestContext and Context?

2011-03-14 Thread gamingdroid
1. So beyond the fact that RequestContext can accept a dictionary with values to be included in the Context, what is the difference between RequestContext and Context? I tried reviewing the source code, but it still isn't really clear (i.e. meaning I didn't quite understand the source code). 2. W

Why is the first Manager defined in a model the default?

2011-03-14 Thread gamingdroid
I'm a little confused about Manager classes and how they function: 1. Why is the first custom Manager class defined in a model, the default? It would seem more reasonable to have the default manager field, re-assigned as opposed to figuring it out by order of definition declaration. 2. Suppose I