Efficient reverse ForeignKey/ManyToMany data field access

2010-06-29 Thread chadc
Hi there, I am trying to customize the django changelist and I have been having trouble displaying data across reverse ForeignKey relationships. Despite searching at length I have been unable to find a better method to display this data than using _set.all(). My issue with this solution is that it

Re: list_editable duplicate queries

2010-06-10 Thread chadc
play function that caches the data while rendering the first row. This also works but again fails to address the underlying issue. Given that these two fixes work, I am fairly confident that a better solution is out there. Maybe someone who knows a little more about how Django decides how to

list_editable duplicate queries

2010-06-09 Thread chadc
Hi there, I think that I have found a bug with the rendering of list_editable objects in the change list. The problem that I am running into is that if I include a field that is a foreign key in list_editable, the change_list hits the database every time that it renders the foreign key's widget. T