Seeing tracebacks of unhandled exceptions in AJAX requests

2011-01-31 Thread Yaniv Aknin
ge is generated and a new browser tab is opened, pointing at the error page (using Python stdlib's webbrowser module). I released django-ajaxerrors under the MIT license; if you're interested, you can see its GitHub page here<>, its

Re: registering app level signal handlers

2010-12-17 Thread Yaniv Aknin
Maybe I'm missing something here, but why not the app's (my main imports all my apps', which means their is likely to be called rather early in any request, no?) - Yaniv On Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 3:10 AM, dmitry b wrote: > Aren't an app's models loaded l

django.contrib.auth password reset reveals the user id

2010-10-20 Thread Yaniv Aknin
Hi, I'd like to use contrib.auth's password reset feature, but wouldn't like to expose my user id. Since user ids (even if they start at an arbitrary number) can be used to deduce the size of the userbase and growth rate, I think it's easy enough to justify this at least as an option. To fix this