Re: startproject/startapp template context

2012-05-01 Thread Sam Simmons
This has turned into a topic for django developers. On Tuesday, May 1, 2012 7:18:34 AM UTC-5, Sam Simmons wrote: > > Checked the src and it's the case that the 'any options' means the ones > available to the command. I could see an additional context option being >

Re: startproject/startapp template context

2012-05-01 Thread Sam Simmons
er: startproject --template=/path/to/boilerplate --template-context=options.conf myproject opions.conf: [options] compass coffee js_dir=javascripts css_dir=sass Only issue is ConfigParser expects a section header which isn't necessary here... On Monday, April 30, 2012 10:39

startproject/startapp template context

2012-05-01 Thread Sam Simmons
I was pretty excited to see the template option for startapp/startproject. Especially when I read your context can be any option passed to the command and it clicked that the files are rendered using django'