I ended up using the "divisibleby" filter and that worked out fine.
Thank you for both of your ideas!
I learn so much through this group.
Thank you very much.
Ryan Vanasse
On May 2, 9:27 pm, Pawel Pilitowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Maybe something like this would hel
er have? (I originally used it because
i figured that the two DateTime objects wouldn't have the same Time,
and so would evaluate to not being equal)
Is there any way to get this working the way I envision it?
Thanks for your time and patience.
ryan vanasse
I got my data to populate mostly alright.
The key was changing the template example to "{% for month in
months.values %}"
it wasn't working before that.
Now, my problem is that for every month, I want a different color of
image text...
//blue/orange swap
so that on even months i'd have them com
Is events in:
for event in Event.objects.order_by('start_DateTime'):
supposed to be months? (looks like months[event.start_DateTime.month]
I get a NameError if I leave it as is. when I switch to months
e a
way to insert the key (i.e. 'january'...see the eventsByMonth in my
view above) in the image source where I presently have {{ month }}?
I'm sorry for thinking about things in such convoluted ways. I'm
trying to keep things simpler, but it is a learning process. Thanks
I should have known it was something that simple. Thank you Malcolm.
On Apr 19, 1:44 am, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Fri, 2008-04-18 at 23:15 -0700, Ryan Vanasse wrote:
> [...]
> > My urls.py looks like this (I'm just getting started
novEvents = Event.objects.filter(start_DateTime__month = 11)
decEvents = Event.objects.filter(start_DateTime__month = 12)
eventsByMonth = {'january':janEvents, 'february':febEvents,
'march':marEvents, 'april':aprEvents, 'may':
ndering if there is an easy way to implement this so I can have
a list that is contains the most recently updated items from multiple
Thank you,
Ryan Vanasse
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
;s one of those
"duh" things but it's really useful to me when I'm just starting out.
Again, thanks!
On Apr 2, 1:08 pm, "Karen Tracey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 1:18 AM, Ryan Vanasse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
am, "Erik Vorhes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's because the table storing your information doesn't have an
> "EventDate" field, and it can't be ordered by something that doesn't
> exist. You'll need to update the table before it will work c
I just commented out the ordering, and it's bringing up the same
When I try looking at the Events list (to check if anything was
added), and got a Template syntax error. (see below)
I used an SQLite admin program to check out what was in the
calendar_Events table and found nothing.
I have
I'm sorry for writing at such an early, clueless time in my learning
process (both with python and django) but this problem appears to be
in code I didn't write and I'm not sure what the best way to work
around this problem is. I'm sorry for not having lurked more to
understand the norms of this g
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