Re: sorl.thumbnail is not working

2012-05-25 Thread Oana Salageanu
uot;50x50" crop="80% top" as im %} {% endthumbnail %} On May 24, 5:20 pm, krzysiekpl wrote: > Did you correctly set up MEDIA_ROOT in settings ?Sorl-thumbnailonly > use files from MEDIA_ROOT try to move uploads/ to media a then use > realtive path to file. >

sorl.thumbnail is not working

2012-05-24 Thread Oana Salageanu
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, this is my template code: {% load thumbnail %} {% thumbnail result.object.image_path|make_thumb "50x50" crop="80% top" as im %} {% endthumbnail %} where result.object.image_path|make_thumb, it's something like this: http://93.XXX.XX.XXX:8000/uploads/files/img/