I think there is something wrong with Django request.FILES

2009-10-30 Thread NitinHayaran
Hi, I have seen a peculiar behavior while uploading files using flash uploader. (fancy uploader). When I use following function for uploading files it always gives me error in Flash saying : "Error caused a send or load operation to fail (Error #2038)" def upload_notes(request): ret = {

Problem using django with fancy uploader

2009-10-30 Thread NitinHayaran
Hi, I am facing problem in using Fancyuploader http://digitarald.de/project/fancyupload/ along with django. The fancy uploader is working fine with PHP backend but when it is coming with django its throwing error. Upload failed: Error caused a send or load operation to fail (Error #2038) Has a

OverflowError: mktime argument out of range.

2007-10-05 Thread NitinHayaran
Hi all, In my setup i m using winXP and mysql. When i m accessing some css file kept in some directory. First time the css file is displayed correctly, but when i press reload button, it is giving below mentioned error, and if i again press reload the css file is displayed again correctly. This e