running django 1.9 problem

2016-07-12 Thread Nicolas Favede
hi i am a bit used to python i have a mac coming with 2.7.6 version and install 3.4 that i can use if i call i installed with difficulties django 1.9 it came there /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python3.4 don't ask me why now i cannot import or work with PLEASE SOME HELP TH

install of django 1.9

2016-07-12 Thread Nicolas Favede
hi everybody i install with difficulties butdjango 1.9 on my imac i am used to python run on 2.7.6 coming with terminal but i also installed 3,4 version that i call and use when i want django came there library/frameworks/python frameworks/version3.4/lib/python3.4/django don't ask me wh