Re: admin login fails

2011-04-19 Thread Nick Stinemates
On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 5:36 PM, pfc wrote: > I did try to delete the db and yes I had to create a new superuser > after, however this did not fix the problem. I also reset the db from > the command-line and same result. > Also, it is not a capslock issue, first thing I checked ;-) > The only th

Re: automated testing: how to generate human-verifiable views?

2011-01-04 Thread Nick Stinemates
Can you elaborate a bit? Are you interested in having the ui render and generate a screen shot for human review? That's how I interpreted your question. If that's the case, look in to generating a screenshot by leveraging a tool that generates a png from HTML. I am eager to hear what others think