Creating a menu structure

2006-01-29 Thread Mookai
Hi, I am trying to create an menu structure that is editable in the admin, but I get stuck on the ordering. There is the option order_with_respect_to that is working really well for items that are edited inline, but I can't get it to work with a structure that is refering to itself. The structur

wysiwyg editor

2005-09-12 Thread Mookai
Hi, I think it is user friendly to have a wysiwyg editor for large text area's in a site. But I could use some pointers if any available how I could accomplish this in the auto generated admin pages. I could use a filter (markdown, textile), but that isn't close to a wysiwyg editor. Greetz,

Re: {% if method(arguments) %}

2005-09-11 Thread Mookai
Although I thought it would work, it isn't working, or I am doing something wrong: {% for app in app_list %} {% if %} ... some html code {% endif %} {% endfor %} This won't work, because in: class PermLookupDict: def __init__(self, user, module_name): self.user, self.

Re: {% if method(arguments) %}

2005-09-11 Thread Mookai
Great! The world of Django is getting better and better :D Thanks!

Re: {% if method(arguments) %}

2005-09-11 Thread Mookai
Erm, I mean user.has_module_perms

{% if method(arguments) %}

2005-09-11 Thread Mookai
Is it possible to use this syntax of do I have to write an own template tag? I want to use it to check if a module has to be displayed based on permissions: {% if user.get_module_perms( %} But this doen't work