t; be able to achieve something like this with F (if you want to filter
> on being older than a certain number of days).
> Euan
> On Jul 5, 10:05 am, MikeHowarth wrote:
> > You're right I sniped the date_time field when pasting in the model
> > after leaving
> seem to appear in your models.
> One thing I've found handy for debugging Django's ORM to SQL is
> something which I don't think is documented in django docs at all
> (although I maybe wrong about that) is doing:
> print qs.query
> Where
Hi all
Just coming back to Django after a long time away, and struggling to
get my head around what should be a trivial concept using the ORM.
Essentially I want to do acheive the following SQL:
SELECT * FROM publisher_history
INNER JOIN publisher_publisher ON publisher_publisher.id =
I'm really struggling with this.
As stated in my first post running the code creates a recursive loop.
Had a bit of a hack around with things, but can't figure anything
obvious out.
On Sep 11, 10:58 am, MikeHowarth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The model I'm
related_items = models.ManyToManyField('self', blank=True, null=True,
verbose_name=_('Related Items'), related_name='related_products')
David Reynolds wrote:
> On 11 Sep 2008, at 10:06 am, MikeHowarth wrote:
> > Could anyone clarify what I need to do be d
I was wondering if anyone could help me.
I currently have a Product model which has a many to many association
linked back to itself for related items.
When returning the related items, I want to filter out any which are
not currently flagged as active.
Initially I thought about doing something
Can't seem to find anything of relevance in the docs, so wondering if
someone could help me.
Basically I want to put an email signup form in the footer of my site,
which I can display errors/success message in place.
Other than using Ajax to post this info in the background is there a
way in Dja
Think I may have found the issue.
My .pth file was pointing to an old directory which didn't have the
relevant module.
For anyone wondering, its permissable not to have a views.py providing
you have the __init__.py and models.py
On Jul 14, 10:28 pm, MikeHowarth <[EMAIL PROTECTED
Yeah. I did think that.
As far as I'm aware there aren't any errors in any of the views,
however the views.py file for scripts it is an empty file. I'm
guessing this is the problem in itself.
Is it syntactically correct to have a views.py which is empty but
exists? I'm not really sure of the pro
I was wondering whether anyone can help me with a problem I'm having.
I'm running a standalone script outside of the web server to do some
maintainence tasks.
In particular I need to return the absolute url from one of my models,
however when I call the get_absolute_url() method, I'm getting a
Basically I'm looking to expand a sub navigation dependent upon
whether the category belongs to the selected hierachy.
Basically I was thinking of doing something along the lines:
url = 'parent/child'
url_bits = url.split('/')
if cat.slug == url[1]:
#build parent nav - don't recurse
As far as I'm aware SQL Server isn't supported, there was a project
going a while ago but I think it has lost momentum.
On Nov 2, 11:36 am, lopes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to make a syncdb and I've got the following message on
> creating "auth_user" table, i've already install
obvious mistake I'm struggling to see??
On Sep 12, 8:28 pm, MikeHowarth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yep all working now!
> On Sep 12, 8:11 pm, RajeshD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Basic example:
> > > user = User.objects.get(id=1)
> > >
Look at form_for_instance in newforms:
On Sep 13, 9:08 am, "Peter Melvyn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/11/07, Ole Laursen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You can also use the initial parameter when instantiating the form:
> And how t
Yep all working now!
On Sep 12, 8:11 pm, RajeshD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Basic example:
> > user = User.objects.get(id=1)
> > user_profile = user.get_profile()
> This should work if you have settings.AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE pointing to
> your UserProfile model.
> See:http://www.b-list.org
Have a look at template inheritance
This may give you more of any idea of how to structure your main
> I'm a web developer and I'm developing my first application using
> Django. I'm
I've had a read through the docs and have created a UserProfile object
with a ForeignKey to Djangos User object.
What I want to be able to do is load the UserProfile so this can then
be edits.
I tried this last night (admittedly not very hard) and didn't seem to
have any joy.
Basic example:
I think you may be complicating things unnecesarily by not creating a
Why not look at creating a temporary user group, and maybe adding an
additional check at login if this user is a temporary user, they
cannot login 1 month after the date created of the user?
On Sep 12, 7:50 am, Przemek G
Thanks for the reply Russ, I totally missed this.
I did wonder whether this was because I was using the email-auth
I'll implement your suggestion and see what happens.
On Sep 11, 1:50 am, "Russell Keith-Magee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On 9/10
écrit :
> > Hi,
> > I would to do the same than this example:
> >http://www.hackorama.com/ajax/
> > Vince
> > MikeHowarth a écrit :
> >> I'm not entirely sure I follow your request.
> >> However using Aja
I'm not entirely sure I follow your request.
However using Ajax in Django is a fairly simple affair:http://www.b-
On Sep 11, 3:11 pm, garonne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I 've started playing with Django which seems very well for what i
You'll need to load an instance of the model, which will pre-populate
the data:
On Sep 11, 7:15 am, AniNair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi...
>I am trying to learn python and django. Can someone please tell me
> how to
I'm using this snippet which works fine.
In order to get this working, I generate a random string as the
username on creation and created a unique index on the email address
I guess it goes a little against the grain given you're patching the
db however I feel email address fields should
On Sep 9, 5:47 pm, MikeHowarth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi guys
> Was wondering if anyone knew of any bugs within the user
> authentication system associated to setting the backend attribute?
> Basically looking at the traceback the user object expects a
You'd place the configuration code with the httpd.conf file
Once done restart Apache
On Sep 10, 7:36 am, Damodhar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi
> I,am new one to django,
> I am very intrst to learn Django, so i install python latest verson,
> and try to install daango latest verson but it wa
Sure have a look at the DATE_FORMAT within settings.
I think that should do what you're after.
On Sep 8, 8:29 am, Kenneth Gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi,
> is there any quick way of entering sane dates in admin - that is d/m/
> y and not y/m/d?
> --
> regards
> kghttp://lawgon.livej
I've been working in Django for all of about 4 weeks and I'm
absolutely loving it. Within that time I've written my first project,
something which I probably would never have acheived in another
language (I'd still be stuck reading the book!)
To give you a little on my background, I've programmed
Hi guys
Was wondering if anyone knew of any bugs within the user
authentication system associated to setting the backend attribute?
Basically looking at the traceback the user object expects a attribute
'backend' to be set within however this doesn not seem to be set.
Traceback (mos
Thanks for the plug!
Reading through that code makes it much clearer and gives me a great
example to follow. I've been thinking about looking at satchmo you
could just have another convert!
On Sep 5, 9:21 pm, "Chris Moffitt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've used satchmo bef
I was wondering whether anyone can help me, I'm absolutely stumped
where to start creating a hierarchical menu in Django. I've scoured
Google and don't seem to be able to find anything to get me started.
Basically I'm looking to create a simple list based menu like so:
> Home
> Category 1
> R
Thats a very valid point Malcolm and something I'll implement!
On Aug 21, 12:22 pm, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Tue, 2007-08-21 at 02:20 -0700, MikeHowarth wrote:
> > So really I'd be better off using:
> > from django.contrib.localfla
So really I'd be better off using:
from django.contrib.localflavor.uk import forms
On Aug 21, 9:35 am, Collin Grady <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The same question applies though :)
> You didn't import the "forms" bit, you imported the field directly, so
> you should just be using it as UKPostc
Sorry that was a typo on my part Colin
Should have read:
Think its time for a coffee!
On Aug 21, 9:19 am, Collin Grady <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You're importing UKPostcodeField - so why are you trying to use
> models.UKPostcodeField ? :)
It really depends on how complicated you want to make it.
However using generic views would easily suffice, just set up a
dictionary of the objects you need to pass in. Something like:
django.views.generic.simple.direct_to_template would do the job.
On Aug 21, 9:12 am, Rufman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
I came across localflavors and would like to use the UKPostcodeField
for post code validation. However when I try to import this I'm
getting ViewDoesNotExist errors.
Within my forms.py I'm importing like so:
from django.contrib.localflavor.uk.forms import UKPostcodeField
I'm then referencin
> On Sun, 2007-08-19 at 14:30 -0700, MikeHowarth wrote:
> > I'll take a look at that.
> > Even commenting that line out and attempting to access self.title I'm
> > still getting an attribute error thrown: 'Register'
> As a first guess I'm not sure that user = User is doing what you would
> want. I think instead you want to instantiate a new User object. All
> you are doing right now is creating an alias user for User.
> On Aug 19, 3:16 pm, MikeHowarth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi I was wondering whether anyone can help me out.
I'm currently creating a form to register users, what I'm finding is
that when I then attempt to save the user within the Register:save
method I'm getting an attribute error when trying to access the title
attribute. I've tried referencing both t
Will do, thanks for your patience Malcolm
On Aug 17, 5:52 am, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Thu, 2007-08-16 at 11:03 -0700, MikeHowarth wrote:
> > Malcolm
> > Thanks for your comments, indeed changing to use the sitemap view,
> > then ret
> that to import the thing you're going to sell.
> On Aug 16, 1:12 pm, MikeHowarth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Importing other bits of code is still fairly new to me, I only started
> > looking at django last week.
> > I basically took
t set up, but it's not plug and play... it's tied fairly
> closely to a model you don't have.
> It's trying to import Teacher from that model. You need to import your
> stuff from your models.
> On Aug 16, 3:02 am, "Jon Atkinson" <[EMAIL PROTEC
n Wed, 2007-08-15 at 12:52 -0700, MikeHowarth wrote:
> > I've read through the site maps documentation, and seem to have
> > followed it to the letter, however I've getting a NoReverseMatch at /
> > sitemap.xml error.
> Where are you getting this error from? It
Does anyone have experience of integrating django-cart in to an app?
I've tried adding this to my project, however soon as I use runserver
I get issues with the models:
name 'Teacher' is not defined
Anyone any idea?
You received this messa
I've read through the site maps documentation, and seem to have
followed it to the letter, however I've getting a NoReverseMatch at /
sitemap.xml error.
urls.py looks like this:
from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from django.contrib.sitemaps import FlatPageSitemap, GenericSitemap
from eshop
I'd read that as well Collin and obviously totally forgotten about.
I'll give that a whirl!
On Aug 13, 11:54 pm, Collin Grady <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As the documentation for object_list says, it will append _list to
> template_object_name, so you should actually be checking
> "products_lis
>From reading the documentation on generic views, I don't seem to be
making much head way. Basically I'm looking to create a paginated page
displaying all products within a specific category.
Within my urls.py I call the category view within my app:
(r'^category/(?P\d+)/$', 'eshop.shop.views.cat
> Richard
> On Aug 13, 9:25 pm, MikeHowarth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi
> > I was wondering whether anyone could help me, I just starting out with
> > Django and am attempting to write a simple web app. Idea
I was wondering whether anyone could help me, I just starting out with
Django and am attempting to write a simple web app. Ideally I'd like
to use a slug field populated based on the name of my product.
However the slug field is not being populated, my model looks like
class Product(mo
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