Re: post_save signal not working in Django 1.7

2015-01-19 Thread Luis Matoso
Something similar is happening with me too: on a post_save of model it isn't created yet on database, so several error are raised by functions which expect that it is already on DB. When the post_save handler ends, the object is saved normally. On Friday, January 16, 2015 at 4:14:09 PM UTC-2,

Re: Allow the Prefetch queryset to be used with GenericForeignKey

2014-03-30 Thread Luis Matoso
That would be awesome, somebody has a solution for this? On Sunday, February 16, 2014 2:53:55 PM UTC-3, Robert Kajic wrote: > > I would love it if the Prefetch object allowed me to pass in custom > querysets when prefetching related generic foreign fields. Specifically I > want this in order to