makemigrations throws table does not exist error

2016-05-02 Thread Lucian Willoughby
I am trying to re-create an older project from a git repository. I do not have the original MySql database. I emptied the migration folders and tried to run "python makemigrations" which resulted in the following error : "Table 'age-sdb.login_esm_systems_experience_choice' doesn't exi

makemigrations throws table does not exist error

2016-05-02 Thread Lucian Willoughby
I am trying to recreate a django project from a git repository that I have. I don't have the original database. I have emptyied all of the migration folders but when I run "python makemigrartions" I get the following error ("Table 'age-sdb.login_esm_systems_experience_choice' doesn't