Change the parenthesis on the directory

2019-01-22 Thread LinkSnakeGeralt
Very very new. So I am trying to change the brackets/parenthesis on PyCharm from (venv) LinkSnakeGeralt-MacBook-Pro:mysite linksnakegeralt$ to (mysite) LinkSnakeGeralt-MacBook-Pro:mysite linksnakegeralt$ I have looked on forums, questions here, YouTube and AskDifferent. Any help please

Re: Installed Python 3.7; installed Django 2.1.5. Django folder open, now what?

2019-01-17 Thread LinkSnakeGeralt
Right so update, thank you btw I managed to change it so python3 is default by using 'alias'? and echo PATH(?) to save it. With all that said and done, I was ready to start django (having confirmed both python and django are update and compatible with each others' versions). I went on django'

Re: Installed Python 3.7; installed Django 2.1.5. Django folder open, now what?

2019-01-17 Thread LinkSnakeGeralt
Good point you brought up. I had a look and realised that although I installed python3, I also have python2 since my terminal acknowledges a python2. I had to input in the terminal if python3 was installed and it confirmed it too. Am I missing something here? Do I need to delete one python (ob

Re: Installed Python 3.7; installed Django 2.1.5. Django folder open, now what?

2019-01-16 Thread LinkSnakeGeralt
Bendito el varón que se fía en el SEÑOR, y cuya confianza es el SEÑOR. > (Jeremías 17:7 RV2000) > > > > El mié., 16 ene. 2019 a las 16:37, LinkSnakeGeralt ( >) escribió: > >> Hi everyone >> >> First timer, >> >> Basically what the post says; I ha

Installed Python 3.7; installed Django 2.1.5. Django folder open, now what?

2019-01-16 Thread LinkSnakeGeralt
Hi everyone First timer, Basically what the post says; I have installed it, tried running it through the Terminal of the MacBook Pro I have. But it did not recognise any module called Django. So I went online and did a bit of digging and realised I have the folder (as shown from screenshot at