Upload above apache web root? -- Can upload directory depend upon the username currently logged in?

2011-08-08 Thread Jonathan of Cambridge
I'm building a django-based media server where each person has a private account. The person can upload media files such as mp3s. The media files will be uploaded to a directory '/media/ uploads/'++'/' with name of filename.mp3 I started working with this posting: http://groups.google.com/group/

Re: Django admin upload image to few folders

2011-07-28 Thread Jonathan of Cambridge
I've been working on using django-filetransfers. Curious whether it works well for you. My current challenge is that I want to use the index as the file name for the url rather than the pk. Anyone have an idea how to do that easily? I'm thinking this is a simple question about databases in djan

Re: Django, Pinax, Dreamhost Project

2011-07-28 Thread Jonathan of Cambridge
work as do others. You probably want to be more specific in telling people what you want your site to do for you and your background to receive more specific help. If you need more assistance, feel free to ask. Jonathan of Cambridge On Jul 26, 12:03 pm, Jeremy wrote: > Hello all, I'm