Re: How do I do a multiple select in the Admin filters ?

2016-07-27 Thread Hurlu
Woo , finally did it ! For those coming after me , here is how I did : Your struggle probably comes from the self.value() never being a list , right ? Well then, if you override the template filter.html to add a "multiple" to t

Re: How do I do a multiple select in the Admin filters ?

2016-07-26 Thread Hurlu
Hi Constantine, Thanks for your advice! I'll try the 1st approach and report back when I get a result / completely give up this approach. (which may take quite a few days, as i'll have to reformat lots of things in lots of models :,) ) Thanks again for the advice ! -- You received this messa

How do I do a multiple select in the Admin filters ?

2016-07-25 Thread Hurlu
Hi everyone, For the project I'm working on, I got a Dish Model in which, in order to filter different dishes for allergens or other reasons, I got a BooleanField to check if the dish is* pork-free*, another to check if it's* nuts-free* and a good other *dozen.*As you would expect, displaying