Make the Right Queryset

2020-07-09 Thread Ha
hello django users ! I don't know how to do the right queryset, to get total mail have status='affecté' in the same date I used a queryset like this : Evenement.objects.annotate(Day=TruncDay('date_Evt')).values('Day')\ .annotate(affecte=Count('mail_item_fid',filter=Q(status='affecté')))\ .

Need a guide

2020-06-21 Thread Ha
Hello django-users , how are you doing ? I need someone to guide me in this, I want to do a chart like this : [image: chart.png] from my function I need to use *from_office *for my seriesNames and *taux *for data and *Day *for my categories , so it can show me the "rank achieved for every offic


2008-03-26 Thread ha bo
hi i need your help,two weeks a go , im in the same probleme with my django application,i need my application in 2 languages.the user have to choose his favorite language any time he accede to application,the local middelware the project take the language of exploitation system. i did read