RE: Problema con instalar django 3.0.5

2020-04-21 Thread german salcedo aragon
rmanecen fieles a mis enseñanzas, pidan lo que quieran y se les dará. (Juan 15:7 DHH) Bendito el varón que se fía en el SEÑOR, y cuya confianza es el SEÑOR. (Jeremías 17:7 RV2000) El lun., 20 abr. 2020 a las 6:42, german salcedo aragon (>>) escribió: Buen

Cuando estoy descargango al version 3.0.5 de django , me dice fatal error al comenzar, A que se debe y como solucionar para instalar esa versión ?

2020-04-20 Thread german salcedo aragon
Sale fatal error , al instalar django versión 3.0.5. Ayuda y decirme porque sale ese aviso. Gracias. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to django-users

Problema con instalar django 3.0.5

2020-04-20 Thread german salcedo aragon
Buenos días , no puedo instalar django 3.0.5 me sale este error, por favor ayuda. Gracias C:\WINDOWS\system32>pip install django==3.0.5 Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"c:\python38\python.exe" "C:\Python38\Scripts\pip.exe" install django==3.0.5': El sistema no puede enc

Django Multiple Choice questions with Answers linked to users

2018-02-22 Thread 'Giles german' via Django users
Dear all I am wondering if you can help me?? I have a list of questions with a list of multiple choice answers. I am trying to get details of a user who will then answer the questions and store their answers next to their name. The questions/answers may change moving forward. I have the fol

Re: RedirectView with query_string = True and urlencoded unicode string

2012-05-15 Thread German Larrain M.
Andrew, What bothers me is that the redirection setup works perfectly for any value of "anything" or querystring; it only fails for this specific case. How is that possible? Thanks again On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 7:10 PM, Andrew Bruce wrote: > You have passed 'anything' as a keyword argument th

django-tagging - customize taggeditems admin page

2010-09-22 Thread German
Hi all! I'm using the django-tagging app (0.3). What is the best practice to customize the "taggeditems" admin page? (add search_fields, list_filter...). The only way is to modify the file \tagging\ (I don't like this way) Thanks. -- You received this message because you are subscri