Re: ValidationError: ManagementForm data is missing or has been tampered with

2010-02-22 Thread DrMeers
I have the same problem -- only intermittently, only IE, can't put my finger on what is causing it. A couple of times a month I get an emailed error message coming through. I have not been able to replicate it on my machine, even using IE and performing the same operation; very odd. -- You receiv

django-dbgettext -- Extracts translatable strings from Django models for handling via Django's standard i18n mechanisms.

2010-01-07 Thread DrMeers django-dbgettext is a simple application for exporting dynamic translatable content from your Django models for inclusion in gettext catalogues along with the static translatable strings from your templates and code. * Works with existing

Re: Automated Translation Management -- Surely someone has already done this?

2009-02-16 Thread DrMeers
Thanks for the prompt response Alex. > You really want to be storing the translations at the DB level to that > effect check out: > or I've checked these out before, however don't see how they solve my problem. They se

Automated Translation Management -- Surely someone has already done this?

2009-02-15 Thread DrMeers
I have developed a Django site for an open source project, with contributors around the globe. A brief aside/background: I have used django-cms to store the majority of the content for the site, but rather than adopting its usual tactic of translating a whole page at a time, have used {% trans %}

Re: Virtual Methods?

2008-10-13 Thread DrMeers
Thank you Daniel (and James) for your prompt responses. At least now I know I wasn't missing something obvious. Your comment about storing the type in each object sparked an idea: from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType # very handy that Django stores this information... #... c

Virtual Methods?

2008-10-13 Thread DrMeers
I am writing a Blog-style django site which needs to render a collection of Item objects. Item is the root Super class for a whole bunch of sub-classes -- Photo, Video, Quote, News, etc. I want to be able to iterate through Item.objects.all() and ask each Item to render() itself based on which sub