Re: django advent for 1.3

2011-02-02 Thread Dan Carroll
Not sure. I really enjoyed the 1.2 series of articles, but I'm not sure if they could even do something as big for the 1.3 release. This release is mostly bug fixes, with a few big changes (static files, class-based generic views, and logging). With the 1.3 release due by the end of February, if t

Re: Django HttpResponse performance with mimetype=application/atom+xml or text/xml

2010-03-30 Thread Dan Carroll
How big is the XML? Since you've already verified that the generation isn't the problem, this could be a browser issue. Most browsers attempt to parse and style the XML (to show it in a nice document tree), which could take a while for really huge files. When choosing to output with the HTML mim

Re: Easily creating custom pages for django.contrib.admin

2010-03-23 Thread Dan Carroll
You might want to look at memcache_status. It uses a one line statement in to switch to admin to use a different template for its main page. Then, the custom template extends admin/index.html to insert extra information (including graphs) at the top of the page. That should give you som

Re: Shared views

2010-03-14 Thread Dan Carroll
You could use a base template that generates the life and right columns. For the other content on the page, you could create a block placeholder. Then, all of the other pages would extend that base template and replace the content block. You can read up on template inheritance here: http://docs.

Using generic date_based.object_detail view without specifying a day

2010-02-22 Thread Dan Carroll
Hi all, I am currently working on a blog for my website utilizing the date_based generic views for a lot of the presentation. The problem that I am running into, though, is that date_based.object_detail requires specifying the 'day' parameter: