First off, you'll probably get better responses on the Satchmo list.
Secondly, changing languages doesn't change currency symbols, which should
make sense. 1 Euro is not equal to 1 Dollar. If we were to change symbols,
we'd also need to do a currency conversion. It's not impossible by any means
You should probably direct your question to the satchmo-user's list to get
more responses.
I'm not aware of any Postgresql specific issues so if you can provide more
details on the satchmo list, we'll try to help.
On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 5:35 PM, Rafael Pineda wrote:
> Hi guys,
What you want to use is x-sendfile or one of it's variants depending on your
Here's the Nginx page -
Here's where we use it in Satchmo for securing downloadable files:
Satchmo is a full implementation of an ecommerce solution -
More recently, Bruce has been working to split out the payment modules to
django-bursar - which
might be more of what you are looking for in this case.
Based on the additional details describing what you're trying to do, you may
be reaching the threshold where Satchmo (or any current package) is going to
have to be so heavily modified that it might make sense to roll your own.
It sounds like you're trying to develop almost an ERP type of applicati
You may get some more answers on the Satchmo list but I assume all those
folks are on this list too. I'll attempt to provide some answers here
because it's probably of interest to the broader community.
Whenever I hear people talking about writing something from scratch, I think
about these two ar
Well, I don't know the answer to your original question, but if you want to
help out with Satchmo ( feel free to. It's an
ecommerce framework not an HR or warehouse mgmt but maybe it will meet your
On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 4:35 PM, Mohammad Tayseer wrote:
You'll probably want to use one of Django's thumbnail apps. Here's the one I
On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 9:48 AM, nameless wrote:
> Hi everyone I have a simple question.
> This is my model:
> class book(models.Model):
>title = mode
Try this -
On Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 6:54 PM, zweb wrote:
> What is the best way to show site down for maintenance page ?
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Django users" group.
> To post t
Bruce has been working to split out the payments from Satchmo into a
standalone app called django-bursar -
Check that out and see if it meets your needs.
I've also heard about this library but have not used it -
I am very happy to announce that Satchmo 0.9 is now released.
Satchmo is an ecommerce framework built on the Django framework. It is
designed to be robust and full featured out of the box but allow developers
flexibility to modify the store to fit your unique needs.
This release is a major milest
Might as well pile on with Satchmo:
On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 10:52 AM, Ben Rousch wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 11:50 AM, Daniel Hilton
> wrote:
> >
> > 2009/10/12 shreko :
> >>
> >> I've been looking all day yesterday to find a complete django open
> >
I'm curious if anyone has done any work in making certain aspects of the
sitemap framework editable via the admin. For instance, someone might want
their marketing folks to tweak the various priorities or changrefreq's of
specific urls. I know it can be done by editing code and subclassing Sitemap
How is this different from the built in phone2numeric filter?
On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 5:27 PM, Aaron Maxwell wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> I've put up a django application providing a template filter, "tel", that
You want a chained select form & will need to use javascript to do it. I
prefer jquery and have used the one here -
The code demos are for PHP but it's simple enough to apply to Django.
On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 12:11 PM
It looks like django-accounts is a bit stalled. You could try taking a look
at Satchmo ( )
It's more of a full fledged ecomerce app but it does support a subscription
model and multiple payment gateways.
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 5:35 PM, Alvaro MouriƱo wrote:
You've posted this to the django users group. You'll get more support from
the satchmo-users group.
When you post there, please include a dpaste link with your traceback.
Also, please include which version of Satchmo you're using and the steps
required to reproduce the error.
On Wed, Mar
I wrote about this a bit in a blog post here -
It's really easy to create any permissions using meta then access them in
your views. While the permission is created in the models Meta section, you
can certainly use it anywher
I'm happy to announce that the Satchmo team has released Satchmo 0.8.
For those of you not familiar with Satchmo, it is a django-based framework
for building highly customized online stores. One of the major aspects of
this release is full compatibility with Django 1.0.x. This releases includes
Satchmo - is a Django-based store framework
with several credit card processing modules. Feel free to use that code as
the basis.
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On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 5:17 AM, Benedict Verheyen <
> Hi,
> i need to develop a website with a webstore and i thought it was
> the perfect time to use Django & more specific Satchmo.
> However, Satcho has a big list of requirements and i'm not sure
> if this will wor
> I'm afraid I don't have any magic solutions. The best approach I can
> suggest is to log the SQL that is being executed (either in the
> Postgres query log or by putting in some debug statements into Django
> to output connection.queries). Then narrow down the statement that is
> causing prob
I am seeing this error - with django trunk (rev
8445) when I try to run syncdb using psycopg2 but it works just fine if I
use sqlite.
Basically I'm getting an error when doing the table introspection code. I
can see that there's been some refactoring in this area but the S
I'm not familiar with this particular processor but on the surface it looks
like a similar process to what you would use for You can see
how we use this particular processor in Satchmo -
Take a look at what we use in Satchmo. Maybe this will help -
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Gro
Satchmo doesn't have exactly what you are looking for but maybe the data we
have in our l10n application will be useful. You can see the models and the
existing data here -
I hadn't seen mention of this so I thought I'd give everyone here a heads
up. In the April edition of Wired, they have their normal Expired, Tired and
Wired lists (p. 44). Check this one out:
Expired: ASP.NET
Tired: PHP
Wired: Django
Pretty cool. Yet more positive momentum for a great framework.
On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 9:04 AM, Lewis Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yikes, that thing is complex. Seems powerful but it was difficult to
> figure out what to do. I think I would have a reolt on my hands if I put
> this in place. I was thinking something a bit more simple. Thanks
> though.
I'll try to respond to some of these points. To be fair, I haven't spent
much time looking at the internals of djWarehouse. From the surface, it
seems like they have some good experience and design going into the product.
I'll point out some differences - but they are mostly based on looking at
In your mysite.fcgi script, just pass in the variable "prefork" instead of
The other thing you could try is to use the ip address instead of
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Take a look in the lighttpd server logs to see if there are any errors that
might point you in the right direction.
The other thing is that you're running this threaded but you're spawning
multiple processes. I suspect that could be causing problems too. Trying
running it prefork and see if that
We have country and admin area (i.e. state/province) included in Satchmo.
You can see the models here -
The actual data is an XML file in the fixtures directory.
Geonames - is a big open source databas
Sounds like this bug -
which was supposed to be fixed in [6895]. Are you sure you have the most
recent checkout?
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On my blog post here -
I wrote some of my tips for configuring MySQL to use less memory. I also
have some general thoughts on vps setup for django apps.
> 1) List of existing modules, code, etc. (FOSS or commercial)
> Is there any wiki or published list for this anywhere? Couldn't find
> anything at Django, but there was much to read. Might have missed it.
Try these 2:
4) ECom
That's embarrassing. It's up for me now.
There have been some spurious routing issues but it looks fine now.
Are you still not seeing it?
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"Django users" group
After a little bit of confusion with my rss feed, I am very pleased to
announce that release 0.6 of Satchmo is really available now.
Satchmo is an Open Source framework for creating unique and robust
online stores. It is developed using the Django framework and has many
features, including:
- 10
> >
> > My current plan is the following:
> > 1. capture the file request url and direct it a view.
> > 2. check user permissions
> > 3. Get Python to construct the correct MIME header then read the
> > requested file from disk and pipe it through to the user.
> >
> > If this is the best solution t
We've made mods to the thumbnail code to work with Satchmo and more recent
django checkouts. You can see it here-
You received this message because you are subs
I'm sure people are sick of me for continuing to post this, but folks keep
asking, so I'll keep posting!
In satchmo, we used elementree to build up such a nested list. You can see
the custom template tag here-
Yes, you can absolutely have trac and django on the same instance. When you
say it doesn't work, what is happening?
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"Django users" group.
To post to this group,
Here's how I've done it on my blog.
Use this tag (which I pulled from somewhere else on the web)-
Here's the template that uses the tag-
I've used satchmo before as an example but here it is again.
Here is the model that describes the category-
Here is the template to display the menu-
By any chance, is the author of django-countries ( ) on the list? I stumbled upon
this app and wanted to touch base with the developer about a couple of
things. If you're the developer (or know who is), would you mind sending me
a note off-list with your
Sorry about that. The deluge of traffic caused my budget vps to have
problems (memory). I'm back up now.
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"Django users" group.
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I am very pleased to announce that release 0.5 of Satchmo is now available.
Satchmo is an Open Source framework for creating unique and robust online
stores. It is developed using the Django framework and has many features,
- 100% template driven design using the django template system
We've developed a similar sort of capability for Satchmo. You can browse
the source here-
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I've had a similar problem in the past and have been unable to solve it.
I'm not sure that there is any simple solution.
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"Django users" group.
To post to this gr
I think I mentioned earlier in this thread, that I do have my take on
creating a blog here -
It's pretty full featured right now and makes use of the tagging and
comment_utils libraries. It still needs the feeds bu
The url for satchmo is -
The module that sends data to is here-
You received this me
I've moved my comments over there. Thanks.
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"Django users" group.
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I'm trying to get django-comment-utils working and I'm having a persistent
problem where I get the following error when running syncdb:
Error: Couldn't install apps, because there were errors in one or more
blog: (1146, "Table 'myapp.django_content_type' doesn't exist")
So, if I comment o
The way we handle it with Satchmo is to have a cart object and store that id
in the session. It's pretty simple and does not require a user to be logged
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Also, this library is really simple to use to pull data out of excel.
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"Django users" group.
To post to this group, send email t
It's definitely a good idea to roll your own but it is helpful to see other
code to help you out. I'm in the process of adding a blog to satchmo and
have uploaded the code to svn but have not put it into production.
As it stands now, the code works but does not have comments enabled yet. If
A while back when I was trying to do a similar thing, someone mentioned
using elementree to do this. I tried a bunch of other ways but in the end,
elementree was the easiest way for me. If you'd like to see the template
tag I created, you can see it here -
You can see the category model we use in Satchmo here -
Here's a template tag we use to build an HTML hierarchy of the categories -
Not to pile on but if you'd like a google mail account for list purposes,
that's always an option. It has a very nice way of allowing you to tag
messages and file them accordingly. You can also use pop if you want to
consolidate with your other mail boxes. Procmail is also a handy option..
This is great news. Thanks for all your work in getting this done!
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"Django users" group.
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The current url for the satchmo project is
We have basic integration with paypal and are working on more as we speak.
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"Django use
> Does anyone on the list have positive or negative experiences
> with either or you'd be willing to share?
I have used Thinkhost and actually did the write-up on the Django site
of how to setup thinkhost with Django. As a provider, Thinkhost is just
fine but I
> I've got an ecommerce system I'm working on. I have a product model,
I'm not sure if I can answer this specific question but you might want to
check out Satchmo -
It is an eCommerce solution written in Django - at least take a look and
see if it meets your need
Thanks for all the suggestions. I'm going to try to work on some of them
this evening and see where it gets me. I'll be sure to let the group know
if I have any "aha" moments that might help others.
You received this message because
> You will need to provide more specific information to get an answer to
> that question. Namely, you will need to provide:
Of course.
> 1) How long "several seconds" is
Roughly 5 seconds.
> 2) What is your view (or is it admin view)?
It is a custom view. I put some print statements befor
I have a situation with a model that has multiple relationships to other
models as described below:
Contact (3-4 character fields)
- FK to Organization (3-4 char fields)
- Many to Many to Address (5-6 char fields)
- Many to Many to Phone (3 fields)
- Many to Many to Order
During the checkout pro
> Is there a newform contact form snippet to use in a django website to
> add the possibility to send email messages from a webpage to an email
> address, without spam?
Here's what we're using in Satchmo -
> Oh, I see what you're asking now. There's no built-in way to do that.
Ok. Do you think this would be a useful feature. I don't know if I can
create the patch but at a minimum I can put in a ticket so it doesn't get
You re
Thanks for the speedy response. Upon further reflection, I'm thinking I'd
like to do something like:
Will that return the name of the view? In this case, 'full-archive'
You received this message bec
Is there a way to access a named url from within a view?
For example,
Using this as a reference-
say, I have this url:
url(r'/archive/(\d{4})/$', archive, name="full-archive")
and access it like this in a template:
{% url full-archive 19
> This is normal Restructured Text behaviour, although I agree it's a bit
> weird when you first see it. It's kind of a consequence of a ReST
> feature combined with us (Django) diving into the middle of the output
> processing pipeline to extract only what we need.
Ah yes, it is the "normal b
> Has anyone successfully used gmail's smtp to send mail? I've been
> trying, but so far no luck. I've added this to my
> EMAIL_TLS = True
> EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = mypassword
> EMAIL_HOST_USER = myusername
> EMAIL_PORT = 465
> Is something incorrect/mi
Thom wrote:
> OK, so here is some code, because I tried this and still no go;
> in my project I have this code:
> '',
> 'pi.apps.authenticate.LDAPAuthenticate',
> 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend',
> )
> I
While this is not explicitly a Django tool, I hope you'll allow me to
post a quick announcement about a project I'm releasing into the wild
called Barnum.
Here are some snippets from the readme to explain it a little bit more-
What is Barnum?
Barnum is a python-based applicati
> Hrm. The test case checks Null values for every data field, so that
> shouldn't be a problem. The only simple reason I can think of is a
> required field that doesn't have a representation in your data file.
> How are you producing your data file? Is this failure caused by a data
> file produ
Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> Can you provide a specific example? Like I said, I'm adding a unit
> test to cover all the edge cases of serialization - if you have a
> specific example that is failing, I'd like to make sure that your
> example is covered in the test.
You hit it. It was a One
I've been trying to get the fixtures working in order to beef up the unit
tests with my app. I'm running into an issue and wonder if anyone else
has seen this.
I can serialize the data just fin. When I try to load the data, I get the
error below. I've tried this with the XML and brand new PyYa
I've implemented a similar hierarchy for categories in Satchmo using
elementtree. You can see my example here-
You received this m
> Did anyone ever figure out if we can (legally/morally) include
> as django.utils.decimal (for 2.3 support)?
Given Malcolm's perspective, let me know if the design decision would be
to include If it is, I can try to do some leg work to track
down the legal aspects. Ju
> If there's a bug that's been annoying the heck out of you and you want
> it fixed before the release, this would be the time to speak up about
> it. We have a fairly high concentration of Django developers all in
> one place with nothing to do but code, so hopefully we'll be able to
> hit a lot
I know that building your own blog in Django is almost a rite of passage
but I am building another app and would like to use a blog plus some other
cms-type django goodness for the app website.
I've found a few links for working blog code in Django but not much that
seems to be actively worked on
Joseph Toon wrote:
> My company is interested in building an e-commerce site, possibly built
Well, when you evaluate the options, take a look at satchmo
You received this message because you are subscrib
When I try to add a FloatField to list_display in the admin, I get the
following error:
Am I doing something wrong?
Probably not. Dealing with floats/decimals can be a bit tricky. Take a
look at this thread -
I'm not sure if this will solve your problem, but here's what I did to
customize an admin "portal" for satchmo.
In my file
I redirected /admin to my custom view.
Is TinyRML being actively maintained?
Unfortunately, it doesn't look like there's been any activity for about 1
year. I haven't tried getting in touch with the maintainer to see. For
my limited use it appears to work fine.
You r
I convert text to PDF using the trml2pdf tool here -
Here's a view I call to create 1 of 3 PDF documents
The PDF templates (in rml format) are stored here -
I've been thinking about ideas to capture more detailed logging info in
Django for my app. For instance, I'd like to capture every time someone
views a certain object. Also, I might want to capture all items viewed
in a session. There are obviously several ways to do it. The simplest
is pr
The other thing to add to this is that the code works fine on a linux
machine running with MySQL. I think it's more than just an error with
Satchmo, that's why it's been posted to this list.
You received this message because you
> I'm building an e-commerce system and at the moment working on making the
> products easily searchable. But when I use a __range lookup, in some
> cases
I'm sorry I can't help you with your request but I thought I'd point out
that there is a project called Satchmo that aims to build an ecommer
I've done some searching on this but haven't found the definitive answer
on this (or at least one that answers all my questions ;).
How is everyone implementing routine logging for their applications? I
know that the standard python logger works but if I'd like to log each
object a user views or
I see that you've already found Satchmo. I can comment on some of the
features you're looking for. Feel free to subscribe to the google group
for more discussion.
> * Item. Representation of actual goods. Belong to one of the
> Categories. Category defines attributes, which may have values.
> user_account = user_profile.user
> user_account.is_active = True
> user = User.objects.get(
> if user is not None:
> login(request, user)
> return render_to_response('login/confirm.html', {'success': True})
I've was t
Maximillian Dornseif wrote:
> I built one myself and it was quite easy, yust to give you an
> impression of the LoC used:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/web/diamond $ wc -l shop/*
> shop/templates/shop/*
>0 shop/
> 105 shop/
> 14 shop/
> 153 sho
> Oh yeah, to the Satchmo dudes, whoever you are, the about link on the
> trac page is broken.
As one of the "satchmo dudes", welcome to the group. We have a nice
foundation but there's plenty of room for improvement so we welcome your
Once you get on the list, let me kno
Is there any reason why the Django admin only allows alphanumeric
characters for the username? In some instances, people might just want
to use an email address to log in, instead of a separate name.
Obviously, @ is not allowed at this time.
I was just curious if this were a feature or there
Does anyone have any example apps where they have customized the admin
interface? Here's what I'm trying to do.
Right now my admin index page has a bunch of models on it. I would like
to break the page into 3 or 4 pages with a subset of models on each one
(plus additional information).
I k
> So I have a tree in my database. My question is that, how can I
> represent it on the web as a tree. Something like this :
> Is there any example that I could study?
I used the category model here -
Then, used ElemenTr
> Do you know anybody trying a Contacts/Phonebook type of application in
> Django? I am thinking about building one.
We don't have a contacts application but within Satchmo (the shopping cart
framework we're developing) there are some address and contact models that
might be helpful. Check the
> I like to use elementtree here... The result tree can be cached and in
> the end you have a more usefull representation...
Interesting. Do you have any reference code I could look at to try to
wrap my brain around it?
I haven't had a chance to look at Malcolm's samples yet but I do intend
I'm using the recipe here
for a category model. It's working well for the most part.
I am getting a little stuck trying to figure out how to turn it into a
vertical navigation structure. I've looked at
> Any suggestions?
I've had a similar issue too. Any thoughts on dealing with this case
would be most helpful.
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