Re: Stuck

2022-03-27 Thread Samapika Nayak
you need to configure the media files in MEDIA_URL = "/media/" MEDIA_ROOT = BASE_DIR / "media" also need to configure it in project level if settings.DEBUG: urlpatterns += static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT) On Mon, Mar 28, 2022 at 10:04 AM 'Delvin Al

Re: Question regarding adding language support to webapp based on Django

2022-03-27 Thread Antonis Christofides
Hello, I'm not really an expert, but I'm replying since no-one else did. If the user request the translation zh-hk and a string isn't available, then I think that it will fallback on another zh-, but I don't know which (but I think you only have zh-hant, so presumably that will be it). Even if

Show particular records at the bottom page

2022-03-27 Thread Trippy Samurai
Hello all, I have a view that show the records,These records have certain statuses i want to show a particular status to be at the bottom of the list in website how can acheive this my view is drf APIView. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django use


2022-03-27 Thread 'Delvin Alexander' via Django users
Hello everyone, I am trying to register a new user by watching the Django tutorial. I have created the new user but upon attempting to log the new user in I get an, *"FileNotFoundError at /login/[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\delvi\\django_project\\media\\default.jpg'"* But