Re: Django Channels: best way to launch multiple workers

2017-10-09 Thread Piet van Leeuwen
On a server is there a recommendation for how many workers to have running? With Gunicorn we would run... def max_workers(): return cpu_count() * 2 + 1 On Thursday, February 9, 2017 at 11:38:07 AM UTC+13, Andrew Godwin wrote: > > The difference is mostly in Python performance - threading

Re: Creating login page with Django using HTML and CSS

2017-10-09 Thread ADEWALE ADISA
You can also check the following link: On Oct 9, 2017 3:34 AM, "Tunde Bakare" wrote: > Hello, > > I am new to Django. And i have gone through materials for steps and ways > to create Login page for an

Re: Can I use Django Channels to solve this architectural prolem?

2017-10-09 Thread 'matrix1900' via Django users
Hi, i read the article, because i have the same situation. Its not clear for me how to use the receive_many function outside Django. Its only possible to send message *Group('sensor').send({'text': 'Hello, world!'}) *from outside and receive it on the browser. But not to receive a message.

Using Django /Channels for polling complex sensor data

2017-10-09 Thread 'matrix1900' via Django users
Hi, My project is to develop a Web Interface for a complex machine. - The web interface should be applied for maintaining and diagnostics. - The webserver should run on a embedded device. - On the embedded device a process which takes all the required data from the complex machine

Re: Access denied for MySQL user in Django

2017-10-09 Thread Ivan Gruer
Hi, as far as i understood cdraccess is a DB gust user, right? If so, from your DB admin user, grant cdraccess to access MySQL environment table 'mysql.user' as follow: GRANT SELECT ON `mysql`.`user` TO 'user_gui'@'%'; To me it worked, Ivan On Monday, January 25, 2016 at 7:52:33 PM UTC+1, Ja

Savepoints and Group Replication need MySQL upgrade

2017-10-09 Thread yasser . ahmed
Hello, I am using 2nd Generation cloud SQL (group replication) with Django. Django creates savepoints when nesting atomic transactions. Group replication supports savepoints from MySQL 5.7.19 and up. Cloud sql is using version 5.7.14. When will google upgrade the cloud SQL version as this is a

Re: Access denied for MySQL user in Django

2017-10-09 Thread Ivan Gruer
Hi, as far as i understood cdraccess is a DB gust user, right? If so, from your DB admin user, grant cdraccess to access MySQL environment table 'mysql.user' as follow: GRANT SELECT ON `mysql`.`user` TO 'cdraccess'@'%'; To me it worked, Ivan On Thursday, January 14, 2016 at 2:27:27 PM UTC+1,

Creating login page with Django using HTML and CSS

2017-10-09 Thread Gourav Chawla
It isn't clear what are you looking for but if you need instructions on creating registration, login, logout views then this[1] is a good place to start. Also, look into another chapter where the author talks about using django-registration package to remove the hassle of building your own regi

Re: django project avoid reload page where work algorithm

2017-10-09 Thread James Schneider
On Oct 8, 2017 11:25 AM, "Xristos Xristoou" wrote: > In the background celery worker picks your task and executes it. It > doesn't matter how long that takes. Once task is completed worker waits for > next task. > > Every task gets id which you can return to frontend and then for example > us

Re: LDAPSearch Troubleshooting

2017-10-09 Thread James Schneider
On Oct 8, 2017 9:44 PM, "Ken Jenney" wrote: 1) I'm using a service account. I verified the DN's by connecting using Apache Directory Studio. I'm assuming this means that you only verified that your intended DN strings are valid and that the passwords for both the service account and your user a

Re: tox?

2017-10-09 Thread James Schneider
On Oct 8, 2017 3:21 PM, "Christophe Pettus" wrote: On a Django-related project I maintain, someone's submitted a PR that includes a tox.ini file. I'll admit I've not used tox before; how standard is it for Django testing? I like the idea of being able to run tests against multiple versions in p

Re: Django queryset returning corrupted value

2017-10-09 Thread Web Architect
Hi Antonis, Thanks for your response. You are right, The issue wasn't in MySQL or even Django ORM. We were using Cachalot ( for query caching which was causing the issue. Disabling cachalot fixed the issue. Would need to look more into query cac