Re: Django-channels can't connect to websocket server. But when I am using redis I can't connect to my site at all.

2017-02-04 Thread Nikoleta Misheva
yes I have installed channels and it is in django installed apps. Another thing I see is that in the logs it says connecting localhost. HTTP/1.1 with code 200 so it is not making a websocket at all? неделя, 5 февруари 2017 г., 2:11:46 UTC+2, Andrew Godwin написа: > > If you ever see "Unexpec

Re: Django-channels can't connect to websocket server. But when I am using redis I can't connect to my site at all.

2017-02-04 Thread Nikoleta Misheva
yes I have installed channels and it is in django installed apps неделя, 5 февруари 2017 г., 2:11:46 UTC+2, Andrew Godwin написа: > > If you ever see "Unexpected response code: 200" it means that something > between you and the server doesn't understand WebSockets. Given it's > localhost in this

Re: Django channels

2017-02-04 Thread Andrew Godwin
"Dispatching message on websocket.receive to channels.routing.null_consumer" means that you don't have a consumer tied to the "websocket.receive" channel, so Channels is sending it nowhere. Did you set up your routing correctly? Andrew On Sat, Feb 4, 2017 at 2:41 AM, Алексей Кузуб wrote: > Hell

Re: Django-channels can't connect to websocket server. But when I am using redis I can't connect to my site at all.

2017-02-04 Thread Andrew Godwin
If you ever see "Unexpected response code: 200" it means that something between you and the server doesn't understand WebSockets. Given it's localhost in this case, have you installed channels and make sure it's in INSTALLED_APPS, then run `runserver`? Andrew On Sat, Feb 4, 2017 at 3:20 AM, Nikol

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Django-channels can't connect to websocket server. But when I am using redis I can't connect to my site at all.

2017-02-04 Thread Nikoleta Misheva
When I use django-channels with reconnecting websocket without redis backend and try to connect to ws://localhost:8000/play it returns Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 200 But when I use the redis backend and even t

Django channels

2017-02-04 Thread Алексей Кузуб
Hello! I'm using django channels. I deployed it in IIS 8 and it's work on http.request. But when I try to use websocket result is nothing. Daphne writes me "Websocket incoming frame on websocket.send!toke". Workers write me "Dispatching message on websocket.receive to channels.routing.null_cons