Fractional datetime support

2016-04-24 Thread Charles Gargent
Hi I am running Django v1.9.5 with MariaDB v10.1.13 and I am trying to get fractional seconds working. I have created a field in my model using the following: class History(models.Model): date = models.DateTimeField(null=True) then in the shell I have populated one row using the followin

Re: Problems following tutorials on django 1.9.2

2016-04-24 Thread Tim Graham
Please double check your Django version with: python --version If you generated the polls app using a version older than 1.9, you won't have In that case, you use simply use 'polls' in INSTALLED_APPS rather than 'polls.apps.PollsConfig'. By the way, please use Django 1.9.5 r

Problems following tutorials on django 1.9.2

2016-04-24 Thread gu99roax
In part 2 of the django tutorial; 'writing your fist app', the command python makemigrations polls gives errors. I get "ImportError: No module named polls.apps". When going back to part 1, the command 'python startapp polls' is supposed to generate also a file named

Re: [django1.9] Url template tag, dotted path and decorator

2016-04-24 Thread knbk
In order to reverse a view by its dotted path, Django needs to know the actual path of the function. It uses the magic view.__module__ and view.__name__ attributes to determine the name. If your decorator doesn't copy these attributes from the inner function to the decorated function, Django do

Re: Help with testing of custom Django admin actions

2016-04-24 Thread Derek
Thanks; I understand the testing approach and its working well in other parts of my project. I was looking for something more specifically related to testing custom admin actions though. On 24 April 2016 at 00:33, Camilo Torres wrote: > On Thursday, April 21, 2016 at 9:16:25 AM UTC-4:30, Derek w