Hi claudep,
* Since reviewed Index section and a part of intro, I want to ask you a
question. Is there anyway that I can see my work result locally. I
introduced a way to take *
*a copy of doc locally. Bu
Le 17. 03. 18 à 04:07, Stone Chen a écrit :
Hi claudep,
* Since reviewed Index section and a part of intro, I want to ask you a
question. Is there anyway that I can see my work result locally. I
know https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.0/internals/contributing/writing-documentation/
After trying the point 6 of the Workflow, I got a copy a doc with only
a little words are in Chinese, since the index had already translated.
I try this by the steps described bolow, maybe you can help me check
whether there exist a mistake.
1. At `/home/dogify/django-doc`, git