Already Done.
在 2018年11月6日星期二 UTC+8上午12:10:00,Kurt Chen写道:
> Hello, all:
> I would love to join the Chinese translation team for Django
> documentations. My ID is kurtchen1988 in the transifex. Please add me.
> Thank you!
> Kurt Chen
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I've already sent a request to Transifex for PT-BR as instructed by the docs
Em segunda-feira, 5 de novembro de 2018 17:24:25 UTC-2, Gustavo Efeiche
> Hi guys! I want to help with the PT-BR translation for the documentation.
> I'm a computer engineering student from Brazil!
Hi guys! I want to help with the PT-BR translation for the documentation.
I'm a computer engineering student from Brazil!
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Hello, all:
I would love to join the Chinese translation team for Django
documentations. My ID is kurtchen1988 in the transifex. Please add me.
Thank you!
Kurt Chen
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