2017-09-29 11:18 GMT-05:00 Bjoern Schiessle :
> in October I will give a talk about how Free Software can help to
> export wealth and knowledge to development country in order to empower
> them.
> For this I'm looking for some good examples. In the past there was the
> "One Laptop per Child" ini
You might be interested in William Stein's notes on turning a Pixelbook
into a development environment with Crostini and CoCalc.
Discussion mailing list
Fri 2020-05-01 10:37 UTC, Thomas Doczkal:
> Hi Carsten,
> One downside of BBB I see is that they require Ubuntu in a specific LTS
> version (currently 16.04). If you use something else you might not get
> support.
For reference, the BBB issue for upgrading to Ubuntu 18.04 is: