[Discuss-gnuradio] Interleaving

2016-12-08 Thread Daniel Estévez
Hi all, I have a stream of complex samples x_{11}, x_{12}, ..., x_{1N}, x_{21}, x_{22}, , x_{2N}, , x_{M1}, x_{M2}, ..., x_{MN}. What I want to do is to compute the FFT's of x_{11}, x_{21}, ..., x_{M1} x_{12}, x_{22}, ..., x_{M2} . . . x_{1N}, x_{2N}, ..., x_{MN} To achieve this, I ca

[Discuss-gnuradio] Bug with scrambler in hierarchical block

2017-02-14 Thread Daniel Estévez
Hi, I have a hierarchical block that implements a CCSDS synchronous (additive) scrambler/descrambler. I have noted that the scrambler doesn't reset properly. The first bit is wrong all the times except the first one. However, if I take all the block inside my hierarchical block and put them on a

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Bug with scrambler in hierarchical block

2017-02-14 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 14/02/17 a las 15:46, Daniel Estévez escribió: > Hi, > > I have a hierarchical block that implements a CCSDS synchronous > (additive) scrambler/descrambler. > > I have noted that the scrambler doesn't reset properly. The first bit is > wrong all the times except th

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Bug with scrambler in hierarchical block

2017-02-14 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 14/02/17 a las 19:15, Bastian Bloessl escribió: > I tested the flow graph with current next and master branches and didn't > see the problem, i.e., the first byte of both message debug blocks was > always 0xff. > > Are you sure you don't use any custom patches? I only have the Viterbi decoder

[Discuss-gnuradio] Huge delay with Osmocom sink

2017-04-17 Thread Daniel Estévez
Hi guys, I'm using the Osmocom sink with a LimeSDR. I'm testing with a very simple flowgraph (attached): a cosine source's amplitude is toggled according to the state of a QT push button, thus getting a crude CW transmitter. The problem I'm seeing is that there is a huge delay (about 5 seconds) b

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Huge delay with Osmocom sink

2017-04-17 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 17/04/17 a las 13:04, Marcus Müller escribió: > Hi Daniel, > > I'm not overly happy with the splitting using Throttle: Sooner or later, > it's going to turn out either your PC or your SDR device are a few ppm > faster clocked, and then your throttle rate doesn't match your actual > sample consu

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Huge delay with Osmocom sink

2017-04-17 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 17/04/17 a las 13:58, Daniel Estévez escribió: > I was running at 1Msps. I've tested the same flowgraph at 10Msps and the > delay is now around 1 second, which seems fine. > > Is it possible to tweak the buffer sizes in an easy manner so I could > get the same effect a

[Discuss-gnuradio] Bug in additive scrambler

2017-05-14 Thread Daniel Estévez
Hi all, I have found a bug in the "Additive scrambler" block. Sometimes the first bit after reset is incorrect. See the attached .grc file to replicate. Description of the test setup and bug: A length in bytes is fixed. By default it is 5 bytes, but this can be changed using a QT GUI entry. The

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Gnuradio and Solar Eclipse

2017-08-31 Thread Daniel Estévez
Hi John, Thanks for sharing. I've also done wideband recordings of the eclipse using a similar setup: a Hermes-Lite 2.0beta2, gr-hermeslite2 and digital_rf. I did 8 hour recordings of the 40, 30 and 20m bands at 384ksps. Rather than making timelapses of the spectrum, I have done high resolution

[Discuss-gnuradio] Segfault in Polyphase clock sync block

2018-01-21 Thread Daniel Estévez
Hi all, I'm using a Polyphase clock sync block in one of my flowgraphs (https://github.com/daniestevez/gr-satellites/blob/master/apps/picsat.grc) and I'm getting a segmentation fault when running the flowgraph. Using GDB, the problem seems to be in the Polyphase clock implementation, when filteri

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Segfault in Polyphase clock sync block

2018-01-21 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 21/01/18 a las 12:01, Sakthivel Velumani escribió: > Hi Daniel, > > The pfb block sets history() to ensure sufficient amount of input items > are available. Can you provide information on arguments passed to the > pfb block like sps, taps and no. of filters? Hi Sakthivel, The parameters I'm u

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Segfault in Polyphase clock sync block

2018-01-21 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 21/01/18 a las 11:39, Daniel Estévez escribió: > > out[i+d_out_idx] = d_filters[d_filtnum]->filter(&in[count+d_out_idx]); > Hi all, I've been looking at this again and the problem is that in this line, count = -134217704 for some weird reason. Obviously, this causes t

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Segfault in Polyphase clock sync block

2018-01-21 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 21/01/18 a las 12:35, Daniel Estévez escribió: > El 21/01/18 a las 11:39, Daniel Estévez escribió: >> >> out[i+d_out_idx] = d_filters[d_filtnum]->filter(&in[count+d_out_idx]); >> > > Hi all, > > I've been looking at this again and the problem

[Discuss-gnuradio] Async FEC Viterbi abort/sigsegv

2018-03-21 Thread Daniel Estévez
Hi all, I'm using the Aync FEC decoder block to do Viterbi decoding on some of my gr-satellites flowgraphs. Depending on the input message size, I'm getting aborts or sigsegvs regarding malloc() and memory corruption. I have been able to isolate the problem and produce the attached GRC flowgraph.

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] CC1101 GFSK packet decode with variable length

2018-12-31 Thread Daniel Estévez
Hi, Besides using the Header Payload Demuxer as Julian suggested, a simple trick when the packet size is unknown but limited to a (not very large) maximum size is to cut a PDU with the maximum packet size and then throw away everything you don't need. I have a CC1101 decoder in gr-satellites that

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] CC1101 GFSK packet decode with variable length

2019-01-01 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 31/12/18 a las 21:27, Ed Criscuolo escribió: > But this would only work well if there is enough gap time and/or preamble > bits and/or fill bytes between the packets. Otherwise, you will consume and > discard the beginning of the next packet. Hi Ed, My solution makes a PDU of the maximum si

[Discuss-gnuradio] std::bad_alloc in Reed-Solomon decoder

2019-01-06 Thread Daniel Estévez
Hi, I am trying to debug a problem that some users have found in the ESEO decoder in gr-satellites (https://github.com/daniestevez/gr-satellites). The problem is that after running for a lot of time, the Reed-Solomon decoder block throws a std::bad_alloc exception, which gets printed out as thre

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] std::bad_alloc in Reed-Solomon decoder

2019-01-06 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 06/01/19 a las 10:39, Daniel Estévez escribió: > Hi, > > I am trying to debug a problem that some users have found in the ESEO > decoder in gr-satellites (https://github.com/daniestevez/gr-satellites). > > The problem is that after running for a lot of time, the Reed-Solom

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Regarding correlate access code-tag block

2019-01-10 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 08/01/19 a las 22:14, Müller, Marcus (CEL) escribió: > As indicated, have you worked through the tutorials on > https://tutorials.gnuradio.org? > That's the place where I'd start. > You should drop *all* the blocks that are deprecated. As said, these > are deprecated for a reason (buggy and no-

Overloaded make() with pybind11

2021-01-22 Thread Daniel Estévez
Hi, I'm porting gr-satellites to GNU Radio 3.9. I have some blocks that have an overloaded make() method, for example: https://github.com/daniestevez/gr-satellites/blob/master/include/satellites/decode_rs.h Maybe this wasn't a very wise design decision on my side. Now I'm wondering if it's p

Re: Overloaded make() with pybind11

2021-01-23 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 22/1/21 a las 19:09, Daniel Estévez escribió: I'm porting gr-satellites to GNU Radio 3.9. I have some blocks that have an overloaded make() method, for example: https://github.com/daniestevez/gr-satellites/blob/master/include/satellites/decode_rs.h Now I'm wondering if it

Re: gr-satellites

2021-02-27 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 21/2/21 a las 8:58, Cinaed Simson escribió: Hi - all the tests were all failing for make test in gr-satellite - and test.sh. There was no module 'construct' installed. I downloaded it and installed in /usr/local and  then all the tests passed - including the test.sh script. Also, there w

Re: Problem with the PLL Carrier Tracking Block

2021-03-17 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 16/3/21 a las 19:17, George Edwards escribió: Hello GNURadio Community, I am having trouble getting the PLL Carrier Tracking Block to work properly. I designed the GRC with a qpsk constellation modulator at a sample rate of 40 k Hz. I designed the PLL Carrier Track block to correct incomin

Re: Error "gr::vmcircbuf_sysv_shm: shmget (1): No space left on device"

2021-03-31 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 31/3/21 a las 15:19, Marcus Müller escribió: What is it that you want to achieve? Hi, This question from Marcus is key here. Something that is possible is to .lock() and .unlock() a flowgraph (basically pause and resume) in order to change something about it. You can change block connect

Re: Nyquist Rate & Distortion, A Visual Example: Issues

2021-04-25 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 25/4/21 a las 18:42, James Hayek escribió: Apologies if I missed any response from my prior thread. I wanted to elaborate more here, on what I am attempting to do. The goal is to create a GRC file to show how sampling rates affect a generated signal. Knowing, for real samples, fs (sampling r

Re: using gr-specest/gr-inspector

2021-05-14 Thread Daniel Estévez
Hi, The documentation is here: https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/GNU_Radio_3.8_OOT_Module_Porting_Guide In this case I think that only one block rather than a whole OOT needs to be ported to GNU Radio 3.8, so basically the only changes that need to be done is XML to YAML .grc files (gr_modt

Re: Commercial C++ libraries for CCSDS Reed-Solomon, Viterbi, LDPC and Turbo

2021-05-21 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 20/5/21 a las 22:03, Christoph Mayer escribió: https://github.com/aff3ct/aff3ct might be relevant, too Another similar library that people speak about is CML http://www.iterativesolutions.com/ I can't given an opinion in favour or against, as I've never used it. But it's definitely an op

Re: Soft-Decoding Binary Golay (was: [USRP-users] GPP requirements for USRP B210 amsat)

2021-05-24 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 24/5/21 a las 0:37, Marcus Müller escribió: In comparison, algebraic decoding takes a handful arithmetic operations and that's all. So algebraic decoding might be faster, after all. Yeah, that sounds very true; I simply have no intuition for the complexity of it. Hi Marcus, Here https:

Re: 回复:the output of the "USRP Source"?

2021-05-24 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 24/5/21 a las 3:53, escribi??: My screenshot is in the attachment ,Is there a big difference between the simulated channel of the "channel model" and the actual channel connected via USRP? How can I adjust the parameters or add other modules to recover the original signal? Hi

Re: Clock synchronization problem of modulated signal: How to set the parameters to make the synchronization effect better?

2021-06-03 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 3/6/21 a las 12:12, Marcus M??ller escribi??: then use "polyphase arbitrary resampler" for pulse shaping, Unusual choice! You'd almost always want to use an interpolating FIR filter for this. Hi Marcus, AFAIK the polyphase arbitrary resampler is a good choice when there is not a simple

Re: LDPC 7/8 (8160/7136) AList CCSDS

2021-08-05 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 5/8/21 a las 10:52, dominik.walach escribió: Hey Everyone, I'm trying to convert an ordinary list of 1 and 0, created from RECOMMENDED STANDARD CCSDS 131.0-B-3 to AList, which would be executable in GNURadio 3.8.x. I have used Software for LDPC codes (Software for Low-Density Parity-Chec

Re: afsk ax.25 transmission using gnu-radio 3.8

2021-08-28 Thread Daniel Estévez
Hi all, Maybe this example is useful: https://github.com/daniestevez/gr-satellites/blob/master/examples/ax25/afsk.grc It uses in-tree blocks and a couple blocks from gr-satellites to implement an 1k2 AFSK AX.25 transceiver using the soundcard. Best, Dani. El 27/8/21 a las 17:02, Paul Atrei

Re: afsk ax.25 transmission using gnu-radio 3.8

2021-08-31 Thread Daniel Estévez
eem to work. Is it ok if you can check what I did and tell me if this is correct or not? image.png    Thank you very much. Regards, Bryan On Sun, Aug 29, 2021 at 3:15 AM Daniel Estévez <mailto:dan...@destevez.net>> wrote: Hi all, Maybe this example is useful: https:


2021-09-24 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 22/9/21 a las 23:11, Andrew Thommesen escribió: Hi, CPFSK has been deprecated in latest gnuradio. What is the best approach to implement 4 level CPFSK using valid gnuradio blocks? Hi, Just a thought. What about using VCO (complex), feeding it as input the appropriately scaled baseband wa

Problem building OOTs with GR PPA package

2021-10-15 Thread Daniel Estévez
Hi, I've encountered a problem in the gr-satellites continuous integration that I've traced to the change from GNU Radio to in the Ubuntu 20.04 PPA package (which is what I'm using in my CI Docker container). The problem is that after building gr-satellites from source using

Re: Problem building OOTs with GR PPA package

2021-10-16 Thread Daniel Estévez
ithub.com/drmpeg/gr-dvbgse/issues/3 Ron On 10/15/21 12:30 PM, Daniel Estévez wrote: Hi, I've encountered a problem in the gr-satellites continuous integration that I've traced to the change from GNU Radio to in the Ubuntu 20.04 PPA package (which is what I'm usin

Re: Problem building OOTs with GR PPA package

2021-10-16 Thread Daniel Estévez
n the PPA. Best schneider On 16.10.21 20:35, Daniel Estévez wrote: > Hi, > > I can confirm that when the Docker container builds, it's installing > pybind11-dev 2.5.0 from the PPA, as schneider mentions. > > This happens in > htt

Re: Demodulating slow phase-modulated data

2021-11-03 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 3/11/21 a las 17:28, Philip Pemberton escribió: Hi all, I'm working on a project to reverse-engineer the data format used by an old navigation system called Datatrak. I've got a project page on my website about it: https://www.philpem.me.uk/datatrak/start

Re: MPSK SNR Estimator

2021-12-08 Thread Daniel Estévez
Hi, Probably not what you'll in your final solution, but perhaps the "Tag Debug" block is useful to print out the values of the tags added by the MPSK SNR Estimator. Best, Daniel. El 8/12/21 a las 16:49, Rachida SAROUI escribió: Yes that’s what I was looking for, the block I should be using

Re: Reed-Solomon Decoding (Not for Digital Television)

2021-12-14 Thread Daniel Estévez
Hi Patrick and Ron, Besides the DVB-T Reed-Solomon blocks, there is also the Reed-Solomon blocks from gr-satellites. The gr-satellites blocks expose a couple more parameters about the Reed-Solomon code definition. These are the "first consecutive root" and the "primitive element". These parame

Re: Does complex conjugate invert IQ ?

2021-12-14 Thread Daniel Estévez
Indeed. Also, in case that's a long read (I think it's interesting anyhow), the bottom line is that IQ swap and complex conjugate are basically "the same" operation for most purposes. This is because if the swap is S(a+bi) = b+ai and the conjugate is C(a+bi) = a-bi, then S(z) = iC(z), so we se

Re: Reed-Solomon Decoding (Not for Digital Television)

2021-12-15 Thread Daniel Estévez
lps... Again, thanks for the help so far, I'm fairly new to the world of error correction for the most part Patrick -Original Message- From: Discuss-gnuradio On Behalf Of Daniel Estévez Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2021 2:43 PM To: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org Subject: Re: Reed-Solomon

Re: Monitoring GNU Radio outside of GNU Radio

2021-12-15 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 15/12/21 a las 15:52, J P escribió: Hello all, Currently working on a project that requires me to use the GNU radio API to kick start gnu radio, and then a listen thread to collect message from the Zmq sink. Is there any recommendations/way, for gnu radio to send a message out when it ha

Re: Reed-Solomon Decoding (Not for Digital Television)

2021-12-30 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 30/12/21 a las 16:39, pwhin...@verizon.net escribió: Hello Daniel, I've been experimenting with the RS decoder in gr-satellites for the past few weeks and I've had some great results, thanks for pointing me in that direction. However, I'm still running into a few problems -- some directly

Re: [USRP-users] Re: N321 LO sharing between RF 0/1

2022-01-18 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 18/1/22 a las 6:02, Marcus D. Leech escribió: On 2022-01-17 23:34, Paul Atreides wrote: Posting on both GNURadio and USRP lists here, since my application overlaps both gr-uhd/GNURadio and the UHD API. The top-level question is, can gr-uhd support all the necessary N321-specific commands nec

Re: [USRP-users] Re: N321 LO sharing between RF 0/1

2022-01-18 Thread Daniel Estévez
Hi Paul, Would this work if you run these calls before the gr-uhd code in the flowgraph instances the device? This can be tested by inserting the code manually. It could be a solution, but I'm not even sure if you can insert a Python snippet in that location. However, if gr-uhd resets these s

Re: Problems with the Frequency Xlating FIR Filter

2022-01-26 Thread Daniel Estévez
Also, after running python3, you'll likely need to run from gnuradio.filter import firdes before running the firdes.low_pass(... instruction. El 26/1/22 a las 15:27, Marcus Müller escribió: Hi Michelle, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/REPL : What Martin means is simply the Python language shel

Re: Here's how to get the N321's LO sharing to work in GNURadio 3.9 with UHD4.1.0.5

2022-01-29 Thread Daniel Estévez
Hi, Thanks! That seems very nice. Could we try upstreaming this? I don't see any obvious drawbacks to having this in-tree, particularly since your approach doesn't require modifying UHD. Best, Daniel. El 28/1/22 a las 23:55, Paul Atreides escribió: Currently there's no way to use LO sharing

Re: Some thoughts regarding GSoC

2022-04-13 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 13/4/22 a las 19:37, Elof Wecksell escribió: There was a discussion a while ago regarding how polynomials are used in the different blocks of GRC and GR. At least for GRC, my opinion is that it should be friendly towards new users who might not be programmers. Today, polynomials are entered

Re: Interpolating FIR Filter - sample delay

2022-04-24 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 22/4/22 a las 11:32, Marcin Puchlik via GNU Radio, the Free & Open-Source Toolkit for Software Radio escribió: Hello I was playing with the Interpolating FIR Filter Block and noticed that the mentioned filter delays tags not properly. What I mean is that when the interpolation factor is diff

Re: Interpolating FIR Filter - sample delay

2022-04-25 Thread Daniel Estévez
ooks right now. Your proposal is correct IMO, and works but current behavior of the block is misleading and at least should be noted in the documentation or wiki. Cheers, Marcin niedz., 24 kwi 2022 o 10:45 Daniel Estévez <mailto:dan...@destevez.net>> napisał(a): El 22/4/22 a

Re: Problem seeing HackRF hardware on Mac via a Docker Container

2022-07-29 Thread Daniel Estévez
Hi, Maybe a workaround is running something like SoapyRemote in Mac OS and then accessing the device from Docker through the network. Best, Daniel. On 28/07/2022 19:30, Marcus Müller wrote: Hi George, Docker on Mac OS cannot pass through USB devices: https://docs.docker.com/desktop/faqs/ge

Re: Time Partitioned FFT

2022-08-07 Thread Daniel Estévez
Hi all, Reading between lines, I think that what the original poster wants is just to be able to compute FFTs that overlap by 1/4 of the FFT size. So, essentially what JM suggests: fft2=fft(x(P+1:P+Q)) fft3=fft(x(2*P+1:2*P+Q)) fft4=fft(x(3*P+1:3*P+Q)) How to do this in GNU Radio? You can "

Re: Implementation of OFDM TX and RX using GNURadio and USRP

2022-11-27 Thread Daniel Estévez
On 27/11/2022 04:01, Marcus D. Leech wrote: >>> Could anyone please give me advice how to extract certain carriers from the FFT bins of the demodulator? > I just thought of this little "idiom" for picking a single item from a vector, that doesn't require that you write your own block.   It ta

Re: Implementation of OFDM TX and RX using GNURadio and USRP

2022-11-27 Thread Daniel Estévez
On 27/11/2022 17:23, Marcus D. Leech wrote: On 27/11/2022 05:26, Daniel Estévez wrote: Hi, Another option for extracting one or a range of items from a vector is to use Vector to Stream followed by Keep 1 in N or Keep M in N. See near the bottom of this flowgraph for an example: https

Re: HDLC block producing false packets

2022-12-15 Thread Daniel Estévez
On 15/12/2022 20:46, Moses Browne Mwakyanjala wrote: Hi everyone, I was using the HDLC block to receive AX25 packets of satellite signals. I noticed that the block can sometimes produce packets that are gibberish. This sounds very unlikely considering the CRC check in the block. Has anyone exp

Re: phase measurement

2022-12-27 Thread Daniel Estévez
On 27/12/2022 17:49, Karen young wrote: Hi, Attached is the model I built for phase measurement. Since the samp_rate (5M) is 8 times of signal source freq (625k),  the phase should be expected as shown in the table, while the measured phase is only correct when there is half cycle or full cycle

Re: phase measurement

2022-12-28 Thread Daniel Estévez
value 129 has the max magnitude. I guess it is a zero-based system. Please correct me if wrong. Thanks and best regards Karen On Tue, Dec 27, 2022 at 12:42 PM Daniel Estévez <mailto:dan...@destevez.net>> wrote: On 27/12/2022 17:49, Karen young wrote: > Hi, >

Re: USRP B210 TX/RX switching between transmitting and receiving

2023-01-10 Thread Daniel Estévez
On 09/01/2023 18:20, Karen young wrote: Hi, I want to use the single port (TX/RX) from USRP B210 to switch between transmitting and receiving. I have selected "Ch0: Antenna: TX/RX" for both the USRP sink and source blocks as shown in the figure. I expect the TX/RX port will show orange light.

Re: USRP B210 TX/RX switching between transmitting and receiving

2023-01-10 Thread Daniel Estévez
On 10/01/2023 20:01, okan erturk wrote: So TX has a priority over RX, am I right? I don't now for sure, but I guess that would make sense, because typically you would be attempting to RX continuously, while TXing some bursts (which would leave gaps in the RX stream). I don't know if the RX g

Re: Galileo Frequency Shifting and Filtering

2023-02-27 Thread Daniel Estévez
On 27/02/2023 18:59, David Dima wrote: Hi guys, I am trying to simultaneously record Galileo's E5a and E5b signals as follows: imagen.png I have tried to record them separately by tuning the local oscillator in the middle of the signals bandwidths and sampling at 25MHz and it worked. But when

Re: QAM constellation script

2023-05-06 Thread Daniel Estévez
On 03/05/2023 18:20, Marcus Müller wrote: ¹ this is the standard situation for me to start a flamewar on the nature of DSSS: from a coding perspective, DSSS is just a repetition code. Repetition codes are what we call "bad", so instead of concatenating a r = 1/F DSSS-repetition-code after a r=

Re: Coding gain through orthogonal transforms & practical low rate codes (was: Re: QAM constellation script)

2023-05-06 Thread Daniel Estévez
On 06/05/2023 16:40, Marcus Müller wrote: Yep, that'd be rate-1; you don't need to squint much to see that the N-point-DFT has exactly N (=often 2ᵐ) such entries, and when you send N symbols in parallel, you get a DSSS-single-user-CDMA system called OFDM :D But that's not on bit-level. Hi Ma

Re: Adding C++ Code generation support for c++ implemented blocks

2023-05-21 Thread Daniel Estévez
Hi Martin and Marcus, Just seen this thread. I would suggest that you base the demodulator part of the flowgraph on the current FSK demodulator that gr-satellites uses: https://github.com/daniestevez/gr-satellites/blob/main/python/components/demodulators/fsk_demodulator.py This is a Python h

Re: S-band BPSK

2023-06-22 Thread Daniel Estévez
idn’t quite work for us. We were recommended to use the constellation encoder block instead and to use your flowgraph as an example. Do you think we should go back to using the constellation modulator? Thanks נשלח מה-iPhone שלי ‫ב-21 ביוני 2023, בשעה 23:26, ‏‏Daniel Estévez ‏ כתב/ה:‬ On 21

Re: Using Fractional or Rational resampler to simulate Doppler

2023-07-28 Thread Daniel Estévez
Hi all, Whether a resample (i.e., group delay change) is needed depends on the intended application. The question you need to ask yourself is: is the fact that in real life the Doppler at each frequency in your passband is slightly different because they are all different carrier frequencies

Re: Usage of GNU Radio for small spacecraft

2023-09-21 Thread Daniel Estévez
s run GNU Radio on-board, usually as part of a highly flexible SDR payload. " Best, Daniel. On 14/09/2023 23:03, Daniel Estévez wrote: Hi all, NASA is updating their technical report "State-of-the-Art of Small Spacecraft Technology": https://www.nasa.gov/smallsat-institute/sst-so

Re: Help in identying a jamming signal

2023-09-27 Thread Daniel Estévez
Hello, Taking a quick look at your recording, I see some kind of pulsed signal that follows a regular pattern. The signal is on for a period of ~548 usec, then off for two periods of this duration (~548 usec per period), and then the same repeats forever (one period on, two periods off). This

Re: AGC_Design

2023-11-29 Thread Daniel Estévez
On 29/11/2023 10:42, Jiya Johnson wrote: Greetings community,   Through the agc for GR satellites, available at https://destevez.net/2017/08/ Could someone please assist me in determining which is preferable for baseband processing—feed-forward AGC or RMS AG

Re: Doppler

2023-12-30 Thread Daniel Estévez
Hello Jiya, 10GHz/s is a huge drift rate, unless it is for chirped radar or something similar. Did you really mean to use 10GHz/s? Best, Daniel. On 30/12/2023 11:35, Jiya Johnson wrote: Greetings everyone, https://github.com/daniestevez/reu-2023/tree/main/doppler

Re: Doppler

2024-01-02 Thread Daniel Estévez
On 01/01/2024 07:51, Jiya Johnson wrote: Yes I want to use 10GHz/s Hi all, Besides the physical considerations that Marcus and Marcus have mentioned, I *think* it should be possible to adapt the flowgraph you attached in your first message to generate correctly a chirp waveform at 10GHz/s a

Re: Doppler

2024-01-02 Thread Daniel Estévez
By the way, Just for fun, there is this paper about what Doppler drift rates are physically meaningful in RF. This topic comes up when doing de-drift in narrowband SETI searches: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1910.01148.pdf Some of the objects at the bottom of Table 2 do indeed exceed 10 GHz/s even

Re: Using RFNoC blocks for satellite systems

2024-01-26 Thread Daniel Estévez
Hi Yotam, As far as I know, the B200 doesn't support RFNOC. From https://www.ettus.com/sdr-software/rfnoc/ "all USRP devices from the third-generation on (X300 Series, E300 Series) are supported by RFNoC out-of-the-box". Best, Daniel. On 26/01/2024 21:04, יותם זיס wrote: Hi everyone, I'm cu

Re: Help on creating an intermittent beacon transmission using HackRF

2024-02-07 Thread Daniel Estévez
On 07/02/2024 17:09, David Barnhart wrote: Hi all:   I teach a course at USC on satellite ground communications that is a lab-based class. I would like to setup an intermittent transmission using a recorded beacon that we have used before (in cfile format) to have them practice “catching sign

Re: Strategies to save/display low sample-rate data

2024-04-10 Thread Daniel Estévez
On 10/04/2024 19:44, John Ackermann N8UR wrote: On 4/10/24 11:29, Fons Adriaensen wrote: Both the decimation and 80 size 1024 FFTs per second should be peanuts for any modern PC... And of course you don't need to do the FFT again for every sample, it just generates a lot of redundant data. I

Re: Strategies to save/display low sample-rate data

2024-04-10 Thread Daniel Estévez
, Daniel Estévez wrote: On 10/04/2024 19:44, John Ackermann N8UR wrote: On 4/10/24 11:29, Fons Adriaensen wrote: Both the decimation and 80 size 1024 FFTs per second should be peanuts for any modern PC... And of course you don't need to do the FFT again for every sample, it just generates

Re: minor bug in control_loop.h

2024-06-06 Thread Daniel Estévez
Hi Eugene, I believe there is this bug in other places (including other places in control_loop) too. Basically any time that an input float is used to compute an error which then ends up indexing some array (as could happen in a closed loop that indexes into filterbank), if the input is NaN,

Re: Can Embedded Python Blocks have callbacks?

2024-06-19 Thread Daniel Estévez
On 19/06/2024 14:51, Jameson Collins wrote: I'm trying to use a callback to set a variable in an embedded python block.  Using the tutorial (https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/Embedded_Python_Block ) as an example I added the function

[Discuss-gnuradio] ESA Summer of Code in Space

2019-04-08 Thread Daniel Estévez
in this project and have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at dan...@destevez.net. Also, please relay this information to anyone that could be interested. Best regards, Daniel Estévez ___ Discuss-gnuradio mailing list Discuss-gnu

Re: A 21cm sky map of a goodly chunk of the northern sky

2019-10-28 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 28/10/19 a las 1:02, Marcus D. Leech escribió: > Here's the latest version of our 21cm sky map, derived from nearly 5 > months worth of data from our 21cm spectrometer instrument. > > All of the real-time processing is handled, naturally, with Gnu Radio, > and then some Python post-processing.

Re: FT8 with GNU radio and the PlutoSDR on the 2 meters band

2020-01-13 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 13/1/20 a las 19:47, Neil escribió: > Alternative description of Automatic Level Control now we are in the > world of SDR: > > "ALC: An ancient and terrible use of amplitude feedback control by > boat-anchor radios which had insufficient control over their modulation > sources and had excessive

Re: FT8 with GNU radio and the PlutoSDR on the 2 meters band

2020-01-14 Thread Daniel Estévez
f the new smooth transitions.  The amplitude variations are >>> only there during start, end and transitions.  The old way used to >>> look like this in the frequency domain.  That startup splat is more >>> than 2kHz wide.  This is audio direct from WSJT-X to Spectr

Re: Recommendation for high sample rate receiver?

2020-01-27 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 26/1/20 a las 21:38, Marcus Müller escribió: > Seconding what Brian says: > Math says *any* signal up to a bandwidth of 6 MHz can be represented by > 6 MS/s. So, either, your signal isn't that bandlimited, or you forgot > to tell us an important requirement (or you might have your math > wrong).

Re: gr version hell gets bigger and bigger...

2020-01-30 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 30/1/20 a las 16:09, Marcus Müller (GNU Radio maintainer) escribió: > Consider gr-limesdr not working on GNU Radio 3.8 (I didn't even know > that): 3.8 has been announced for years, and I think Lime would > actually be the party in need of keeping up with their customers' > needs, not us. I thi

Re: Finding GNU Radio 3.8 Compatible Versions Of OOT Modules

2020-02-06 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 6/2/20 a las 8:27, Müller, Marcus (CEL) escribió: > Generally, the place to start looking for GNU Radio module is > cgran.org. Our fantastic volunteers (hey, Nicolas and Marc and others!) > have just last week added a new column: supported GNU Radio versions. > > Sadly that column isn't overly

Re: GNU Radio Project Mission Statement -- Looking for Your Thoughts!

2020-08-14 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 13/8/20 a las 22:40, Martin Braun escribió: > GNU Radioers, > > as the GNU Radio project matures, we're going to spend some time > evolving the actual organization behind it. We'll keep you posted on > updates on that, but as a first step, we'd like to define the mission > statement of the GNU

Re: Survey regarding GNU radio usage in amateur radio

2020-11-14 Thread Daniel Estévez
El 14/11/20 a las 9:11, Adrian Musceac escribió: Hello, I am doing a survey regarding the topic of GNU radio usage in amateur radio activities. Hi Adrian, My answers below. 1. Are you actively using GNU radio in amateur radio activities? Yes. 2. If yes, how are you using GNU radio, plea

Re: Constellation Rect. Object parameters for 8psk 16-32-64-256APSK modulations.

2024-10-16 Thread Daniel Estévez
On 15/10/2024 20:30, mehtap özkan wrote: Hi All, I am having difficulty finding examples for demodulating 8psk 16-32-64-256APSK modulated signals. Does anybody know what the settings of Constellation Rect. Object for these modulation schemes should be? Thanks in advance. Hello Mehtap, Here

Re: Symbol Sync Block Python Source File Passing Wrong Constellation

2024-12-06 Thread Daniel Estévez
Hi Ceren, I believe the Gardner TED does not use or require a constellation (unlike some of the other TEDs supported by Symbol Sync). Thus, the constellation you supply in the call to symbol_sync_cc() is ignored. You can read through the C++ code to make sure that this is indeed the case. Be

Re: Documentation Correction - Wiki, Block Docs, Low Pass Filter - Sample Rate Incorrect when Interpolating

2025-02-03 Thread Daniel Estévez
On 02/02/2025 20:22, Austen, Jeffrey wrote: On the GNU Radio Wiki in the Block Docs category the Low Pass Filter entry states the sample rate is the input sample rate. This is correct when there is no decimation or interpolation and it i

Re: Documentation Correction - Wiki, Block Docs, Low Pass Filter - Sample Rate Incorrect when Interpolating

2025-02-03 Thread Daniel Estévez
On 03/02/2025 22:32, Austen, Jeffrey wrote: > [...] > You are correct, but why not edit the wiki yourself? That is the advantage of having this documentation on a wiki. >> [...] I would have, except it says "You do not have permission to edit this page" I think you need to register a

Re: QPSK looks like 8PSK: Need for Symbol Sync Performance Improvements at High Speed

2025-02-04 Thread Daniel Estévez
Hi Ceren, The situation you describe is not completely unusual. The Costas loop locks with a frequency error of symbol_rate / 8, which causes the 8PSK constellation you see, since there is an extra rotation of 1/8 cycles in each symbol (I am assuming you have the Costas Loop after Symbol Sync,

Re: Reducing rare underflows to zero occurrences

2025-01-18 Thread Daniel Estévez
ror: In the last 384024 ms, 1 underflows occurred. which is weird and probably significant? I hope my use of ss was correct. Thanks again, Chad On 1/16/25 1:49 PM, Daniel Estévez wrote: Hi Chad, Something that you can do to monitor the problem is to look in /proc/ net/udp. This will show

Re: Reducing rare underflows to zero occurrences

2025-01-16 Thread Daniel Estévez
Hi Chad, Something that you can do to monitor the problem is to look in /proc/net/udp. This will show you the fill level of kernel UDP receive buffers. If you've set the buffer size to 32 MiB as recommended by the performance tuning tips, usually these sporadic drops are the result of the flo

Re: GNU Radio Missing Blocks and Device Connection Issues

2025-03-13 Thread Daniel Estévez
Hi Nic, It looks like gr-doa was written for GNU Radio 3.7 and never updated to support newer GNU Radio versions. It will not work with GNU Radio 3.10. GNU Radio now uses YAML files instead of XML files to describe blocks. There have also been API changes. I don't know if someone has made a f