It's using an outdated version of fosphor ... so much for a fast-paced OS.
Dear Readers,
i am using Gnuradio 3.7 on a Raspberry Pi 4 (SDRPlay image v0.6). This
reduces compilation effort for RSP1 and B205 usage drastically.
Is there a way to compile and install GR3.8 in parallel to GR3.7?
Do i need to build uhd-module new?
Regards, Merry X-Mas and vy 73
Hi Harald,
if you want to have GNU Radio 3.7 & 3.8 on the same machine I recommend
to have both installed in a non-default search path for libraries.
Applications linking to GNU Radio then have to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH,
PYTHONPATH, GR_BLOCKS_PATH accordingly to point to the non-default
search path.
Hello Andrej, all,
i can not exactly say yes to your question but i looks to me, that
gnuradio is installed in a usual path.
Basically i have to wait for gr 3.8 ready for RPI4.
Thanks for the answer.
Am Mon, 23 Dec 2019 20:27:31 +0100
schrieb Andrej Rode :
> Hi Harald,