Re: scopemeter

2020-06-02 Thread Marcus Müller
Yes! On 02/06/2020 10.15, Stéphane Ancelot wrote: Hi, My question is about using gnuradio as a scopemeter, I have  files in which have been recorded up to 15 signals during eg 30 seconds (motion => ref speed, act speed, torque ...) , I would like to visualize data and whynot apply s


2020-06-02 Thread Stéphane Ancelot
Hi, My question is about using gnuradio as a scopemeter, I have files in which have been recorded up to 15 signals during eg 30 seconds (motion => ref speed, act speed, torque ...) , I would like to visualize data and whynot apply some filters Is this possible ? Regards, Stéph