Hi Marcus,
here is some info about my system as you asked for:
Python 3.9.1 (default, Dec 8 2020, 07:51:42)
[GCC 10.2.0] on linux
>>> import gpredict
>>> print(gpredict.__file__)
That is ok for my configuration I think. I installed th
Hi Tom,
1. Make sure your gr-gpredict-doppler checkout is recent enough to include
Mike's 3.9-porting.
Then: This error typically happens when you think you've imported something
that contains
a symbol, but didn't. In case of a C++ module, I'd assume there was something
in the
bindings missing,
Hi to all,
I work with grc und linux Debian 11.
Since the last days I am trying to find out some very mystic (in my eyes):
I created a very simple flowgraph with
File "/home/tom/grc-data-3.9/gr-gpredict-doppler/examples/gpredict.py",
line 81, in __init__