Thanks for biting, I actually had a lot of luck getting it to run a bit
faster but it seems to perform quite badly on the B205 and X310, as timing
still was an issue. I have since moved into a much simpler design as I am
not in the field of signal processing. I hope you have a good day!
On Sun, Ma
On 3/23/22 13:10, Taylor Clark wrote:
Good evening,
I have been doing some work with packet modulation and I ran
across the OFDM_Loopback.grc file. I initially did some test with my
ZMQ Server and the data rate was terrible. Thinking it was my
datasource, I did some other test until I decid
Good evening,
I have been doing some work with packet modulation and I ran across the
OFDM_Loopback.grc file. I initially did some test with my ZMQ Server and
the data rate was terrible. Thinking it was my datasource, I did some other
test until I decided to use GNU Radios random Source block as an