Okay, got it now. So in '1', I am feeding the samples received by
LimeSDR Mini to FLL, polyphase clock sync and costas loop for
synchronization. Since it does not have any known reference signal
appended to data, it will not take care of phase ambiguity at receiver
and so my data is not exactly
When you don't correct for the phase of your channel (including all
filters and devices), you don't know whether your 0° or your 180° symbol
is the binary 0 or 1. A PLL only corrects the rotation of your
constellation so that it's a valid constellation, not necessary the same
rotation as at the tra
I know that without any packet structure in '1', the received data is
being decoded as "AA.." or "5.". Is that what you meant
by inverted bit stream? I am not really clear about what you meant by
phase ambiguity?
On 10/08/20 12:20 pm, Shruti Gupta wrote:
Did you account for the 0-180 phase ambiguity when demodulating BPSK?
This would produce an inverted bitstream which wouldn't be noticeable
when transmitting alternating 1s & 0s.
@(^.^)@ Ed
On 8/10/20 2:50 AM, Shruti Gupta wrote:
Hi all!
I am working on implementing BPSK communication syste
Hi all!
I am working on implementing BPSK communication system with SDR in
GNURadio. I tried implementing packet-communication in GNURadio using
two systems each acting as TX and RX. Using the examples provided in
gr-digital , I tried running TX and RX with LimeSDR Mini, but was unable
to ge