Please keep replies on the list.
Have you run through the documentation and tutorials on
On Fri, Feb 10, 2023, 19:04 Raúl Parada Medina
> I've added the Vector to Stream blocks for an output of 1024 but as N I
> cannot get float numbers, I mean 1024/8. Here is my full
A Vector Source produces items from a vector ... it does not actually
produce a vector type unless the Vector Length parameter is set to
something other than 1. In this case, you would want the Vector Length to
be the same as the FFT Size parameter in the FFT block.
In other places, you would need
I get this error in the links (red arrows). I don't know where is the error
(the SDR-RTL is not connected yet). GNU Radio Companion (Python
3.10.6) on Windows 10. Thanks. Raúl
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