This sounds like a very interesting project - but separating out the calls
to blocks from the underlying framework is very difficult in GNU Radio for
many reasons, but one being that the blocks call back into the scheduler
for things like getting the number of items read/written, and updating
To do this, you write a "mock" framework that calls the block init, then
calls general_work() or work() with the proper parameters. I'd say you need
to understand the C++ API for blocks pretty well to make this work. How
much of the framework you need to implement will depend on which blocks you
I am trying to write a full-program optimizer for GNURadio flow graphs in
C++. For this purpose, I need to call GNURadio blocks separately inside my
I have 2 questions:
1. How to directly feed a local vector input to a block?
2. How can I set a local array as the output a