hello marcus
thanks for your reply,i really read the tx_voice.py
,i am using E310
i set the audio card samp rate to 8KHZ
and i did not resamp the 8K of audio samp rate to the GMSK symbol rate
i see that there is s resample block before UHD_TRANSMITTER,resample the
code rate from 8K to 100K,and
Hi Ekko,
U means underflow.
You're computer is too slow at supplying samples. This means that your
computation might be to complicated.
More likely, however, is that you configured your sound card to a sample
rate it doesn't support, so it uses a different one, and hence, the
whole flow graph's ra
hello all
i am using tx_voice.py to transmite voice
the audio samp rate = 8K gmsk mod samp rate =50K usrp_sink samp rate =100K
but i got
i want to ask waht this U mean ,and how can i solve this.
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