Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] simple_ra and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

2016-05-31 Thread John Shields
On 31/05/16 07:40, Marcus Müller wrote: That shouldn't be necessary. If I remember correctly, my automated test builds based on PyBOMBS go through without installing an old version of SWIG. Hence, we'd be interested in where things fail on your machine with swig3. Best regards, Marcus Am 31. M

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] simple_ra and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

2016-05-31 Thread Marcus Müller
That shouldn't be necessary. If I remember correctly, my automated test builds based on PyBOMBS go through without installing an old version of SWIG. Hence, we'd be interested in where things fail on your machine with swig3. Best regards, Marcus Am 31. Mai 2016 01:53:54 MESZ, schrieb John Shields

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] simple_ra and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

2016-05-30 Thread John Shields
On 30/05/16 22:29, Marcus D. Leech wrote: On 05/30/2016 06:27 PM, John Shields wrote: oops, it was not simple_ra that I tried to re-compile against the new GNURadio etc., it was gr-ra_blocks. Sorry, John Which is a pre-req for simple_ra __

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] simple_ra and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

2016-05-30 Thread Marcus D. Leech
On 05/30/2016 06:27 PM, John Shields wrote: oops, it was not simple_ra that I tried to re-compile against the new GNURadio etc., it was gr-ra_blocks. Sorry, John Which is a pre-req for simple_ra ___ Discuss-gnuradio ma

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] simple_ra and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

2016-05-30 Thread John Shields
On 30/05/16 22:05, John Shields wrote: Hi, Since I moved from 14.04 LTS to 15.10 a couple of weeks ago, I have been experiencing segmentation faults on i965_dri (graphics rendering). In order to (hopefully) move away from this issue, yesterday I upgraded to 16.04 LTS and rebuilt GNURadi

[Discuss-gnuradio] simple_ra and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

2016-05-30 Thread John Shields
Hi, Since I moved from 14.04 LTS to 15.10 a couple of weeks ago, I have been experiencing segmentation faults on i965_dri (graphics rendering). In order to (hopefully) move away from this issue, yesterday I upgraded to 16.04 LTS and rebuilt GNURadio ( and UHD using Marcus' scrip