On Saturday 11 March 2006 13:19, Robert McGwier wrote:
> No. I was quite careful. Qt **4* *is released GPL to Windows. The
> software in question was written in Qt 3 and at the time, there was no
> GPL for Qt 3. The complaint happened before Qt 4 was released for the
> first time.
> Bob
No. I was quite careful. Qt **4* *is released GPL to Windows. The
software in question was written in Qt 3 and at the time, there was no
GPL for Qt 3. The complaint happened before Qt 4 was released for the
first time.
Berndt Josef Wulf wrote:
On Saturday 11 March 2006 05:56, Robe
I completely agree with you. If the source were still available, we or
someone else could do that. I did not manage to keep a copy through
various hard drive crashes.
Berndt Josef Wulf wrote:
On Saturday 11 March 2006 13:19, Robert McGwier wrote:
No. I was quite careful. Qt **4
On Saturday 11 March 2006 05:56, Robert W McGwier wrote:
> Here is my understanding of that situation. He wrote it in Qt3. There
> is no Qt3 GPL license FOR WINBLOWS. He released the source code and
> when Trolltech objected, he removed it.
This contradicts with Trolltechs statement for the Q
Here is my understanding of that situation. He wrote it in Qt3. There
is no Qt3 GPL license FOR WINBLOWS. He released the source code and
when Trolltech objected, he removed it.
Charles Swiger wrote:
Just curious if anyone knows anything about this situation - there is a
gnu licensed
Just curious if anyone knows anything about this situation - there is a
gnu licensed project on sourceforge called DReaM. A fellow named Cesco,
HB9TLK, created a ham radio version called WinDRM
( http://n1su.com/windrm/docs/1.1/ ) derived, so they say, from DReaM,
but at far as I can tell, there is