It is working, thank you very much. Now i have to find out how i can
record 27.195Mhz to file and re-send it afterwards.
Is there a sample that does that allready?
On Aug 20, 2007, at 9:23 PM, Michael Dickens wrote:
Please review my install guide for OSX, in < http://www.nd.e
Please review my install guide for OSX, in <
~mdickens/GNURadio/ >; it addresses the issues you came across.
To be short, 'libtoolize' isn't installed by MacPorts; 'glibtoolize'
is, as is 'glibtool'. Apple has a 'libtool' application of its own
( /usr/bin/libtool ), that
Heya there,
i tried to install gnuradio now under osx and had built all
dependencies incl libtool etc according to the tutorial using
Now when i go to checked out directory and run ./bootstrap
thats what i get:
/opt/local/share/aclocal/audiofile.m4:12: warning: un