Try using a single pole IIR filter. If you don't know what an IIR is, wiki
it, better explanation there than from me. Keep pushing the frequency cutoff
to a lower frequency until the static gets better. If you go to far, your
audio should disappear.
On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 5:22 PM, concernedconsum
Hello J,
You can find some details on this at URL:
It sounds like much of this will be old hat to you, but there is a
section entitled "Exploring the FM receiver," which addresses at least
some of your specific question.
Hi J,
a couple of thoughts:
- Your flow graph seems correct. From your mail, I wasn't quite sure if
it's working or not. If not, the place I'd check is the input filter.
- The frequency does not strictly depend on the *strength* of the
signal, nor is it demodulated by from signal strength devi