Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Using USRP to transmit and receive samples

2013-10-22 Thread lingeswar
hi, i tried connecting a file sink at the tag debug place and i found o's and 1's coming. we may have to pack them back like opposite operation in transmitter GRC. i used REPACK Bits block and tested that the actual data (1 to 96) is not coming back.. and we have to use the "check CRC" in the strea

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Using USRP to transmit and receive samples

2013-10-22 Thread Martin Braun (CEL)
On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 09:06:24PM -0500, JPL wrote: > Hello, Martin > > > 1. Would you please tell me where the "manual page" is? It's in the manual. You go to, click 'C++ manual', then 'Related Pages', then 'Tagged Stream Blocks'. > Because I cannot understand  > > How the Vecto

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Using USRP to transmit and receive samples

2013-10-21 Thread JPL
Hello, Martin 1. Would you please tell me where the "manual page" is? Because I cannot understand *How the Vector source works* (tagged_streams.make_lengthtags((packet_len,),(0,).length_tag_name)? and *where the "Import"block grab the value from* (from import tagged_streams)

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Using USRP to transmit and receive samples

2013-10-21 Thread Martin Braun (CEL)
On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 06:00:48PM -0500, JPL wrote: > Question: > > (1) should I just replace the "Vector Source block" into "File Source" in > tx_ofdm.grc? This won't work, the input expects a tagged stream (see the corresponding manual page). You will need to split the file into packets, and t

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Using USRP to transmit and receive samples

2013-10-19 Thread JPL
Sorry my bad, it's typo. I actually did save *.wav into *.dat. and good to hear about that "it will work" One question, *the scripts in gnuradio-core/src/utils/{read,write}* If I use those scripts in the matlab, I will not need to worry about setting the format, like float, int, or byte...etc, ri

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Using USRP to transmit and receive samples

2013-10-19 Thread Marcus Müller
Hi! Quick answer, don't have time right now: (A) Why did you save them as wav audio? Usually, it's wiser to just store them as raw data; see the scripts in gnuradio-core/src/utils/{read,write}* Note: you're sending symbols from the source, not samples! Use bytes as data format. Answers: (1) ye

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Using USRP to transmit and receive samples

2013-10-18 Thread JPL
Hello, I found out two *.grc files, tx_ofdm and rx_ofdm, under gr_digital/examples/ofdm. Don't know if this can be realized, first test running the steps without changing any parameters in *.grc. (A) use *.dat generated from Matlab (I saved a set of wav audio), (B) place it as input in the tx_ofd

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Using USRP to transmit and receive samples

2013-10-18 Thread Marcus Müller
Hi JPL, .mat is really just a complicated container format for all kind of matlab data -- GNU Radio can't directly deal with that, although with SciPy you could create something that will be able to parse .mat files; but that is quite useless, as you could as well use Matlab to write something

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Using USRP to transmit and receive samples

2013-10-17 Thread West, Nathan
On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 11:14 PM, JPL wrote: > Hello, > > We have used Matlab to generate *.mat file, a file around 1966240 complex > number OFDM samples. > Thinking to (I) transmit between two USRPs, (II) let the receiver side > saving data into file, and later (III) putting the file on Matlab f

[Discuss-gnuradio] Using USRP to transmit and receive samples

2013-10-17 Thread JPL
Hello, We have used Matlab to generate *.mat file, a file around 1966240 complex number OFDM samples. Thinking to (I) transmit between two USRPs, (II) let the receiver side saving data into file, and later (III) putting the file on Matlab for demodulation. 1. What is the best way to do it? like c