Hi All,
My GNU-Radio was installed before two months in my laptop and it was working
fine on my Ubuntu Edgy (except for the gr_video_sdl). To get advantage from
the new developments, suddenly I decided to dismiss it and rebuild it again
from the SVN. Then I had several errors (mblock and SWIG err
Joe Barr wrote:
> I've just installed gnuradio from subversion on Ubuntu Feisty, per the
> instructions at http://gnuradio.org/trac/wiki/UbuntuInstall. Everything
> seems to have gone ok, but when I try to run the benchmark in pthon, I
> get:
> undefined symbol: _Z20gr_make_io_signatureiii
> A
I've just installed gnuradio from subversion on Ubuntu Feisty, per the
instructions at http://gnuradio.org/trac/wiki/UbuntuInstall. Everything
seems to have gone ok, but when I try to run the benchmark in pthon, I
undefined symbol: _Z20gr_make_io_signatureiii
Any idea on where I might have