On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 3:21 AM, Marcus D. Leech wrote:
> >
> > USRP1:
> > - When we have a very simple flowgraph with a USRP1 sink connected to a
> > signal source and a USRP1 source connected to a WX scope- trying to shut
> > down the app using the close box causes the USB on the host system to
On 05/26/2011 09:14 PM, Brett L. Trotter wrote:
> On 05/26/2011 08:06 PM, Nick Foster wrote:
>> On Thu, 2011-05-26 at 19:29 -0500, Brett L. Trotter wrote:
>>> USRP1:
>>> - When we have a very simple flowgraph with a USRP1 sink connected to a
>>> signal source and a USRP1 source connected to a WX sc
> By default Gnu Radio now schedules each block in its own CPU thread. So
>> there could be
>> differences in instantaneous latencies down each path.
> Also- whether a data is processed at the same time in terms of physical
> timeslices in the real world isn't so important, but
> On 05/26/2011 08:06 PM, Nick Foster wrote:
> The alignment I'm talking about wasn't even relative between RX and TX-
> it was between branches of the RX path such as the real and imaginary
> components of that path when viewed on the scope.
So, you're talking about splitting I/Q for
> USRP1:
> - When we have a very simple flowgraph with a USRP1 sink connected to a
> signal source and a USRP1 source connected to a WX scope- trying to shut
> down the app using the close box causes the USB on the host system to
> freeze up requiring a reboot. Yanking USRP power or ctrl+c'ing av
On 05/26/2011 08:06 PM, Nick Foster wrote:
> On Thu, 2011-05-26 at 19:29 -0500, Brett L. Trotter wrote:
>> USRP1:
>> - When we have a very simple flowgraph with a USRP1 sink connected to a
>> signal source and a USRP1 source connected to a WX scope- trying to shut
>> down the app using the close bo
Replying to self- here's another case on the USRP2/UHD-
TX Path: Sig Source -> UHD (USRP2) Sink
RX Path: UHD (USRP2) Source -> Band Pass Filter -> Scope Sink
It seems that any kind of filter, even with appropriate calculation of
the rate coming out of the filter taking into account decimation wi
On Thu, 2011-05-26 at 19:29 -0500, Brett L. Trotter wrote:
> USRP1:
> - When we have a very simple flowgraph with a USRP1 sink connected to a
> signal source and a USRP1 source connected to a WX scope- trying to shut
> down the app using the close box causes the USB on the host system to
> freeze u
- When we have a very simple flowgraph with a USRP1 sink connected to a
signal source and a USRP1 source connected to a WX scope- trying to shut
down the app using the close box causes the USB on the host system to
freeze up requiring a reboot. Yanking USRP power or ctrl+c'ing avoids
this pr