> However, I'm confused by all the frequency setting/tuning functions at our
> disposition. In my example,
> 1)I am setting cordic-freq (set by parser) while calling the main program,
> e.g. -c 245000 -that's the frequency I want to set my USRP to.
OK, I guess everything is fine. As a ma
_center_freq(options.cordic_freq,0).actual_rf_freq and
>self.u.set_center_freq(options.cordic_freq,0) >functions?
-Original Message-
From: discuss-gnuradio-bounces+kresimir.dabcevic=fer...@gnu.org on behalf of
Josh Blum
Sent: Mon 5/23/2011 12:54 AM
To: d
scuss-gnuradio-bounces+kresimir.dabcevic=fer...@gnu.org on behalf of
Josh Blum
Sent: Mon 5/23/2011 12:54 AM
To: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] UCLA Zigbee PHY examples updated for UHD
>> Blocked waiting for GDB attach (pid = 5466)
>> Press Enter to continue:
> Blocked waiting for GDB attach (pid = 5466)
> Press Enter to continue:
> cordic_freq = 2.45G
Not sure whats wrong, but, cordic_freq should be the error in tuning the
RF center freq, so only a few kHz really. That may be a good place to
start looking.
Hello list!
I've updated (or at least tried updating) two of UCLA ZIGBEE PHY project's
examples to work with UHD - cc2420_txtest.py and cc2420_rxtest.py. I think the
tx one works fine (spectrum analyzer says that we truly are transmitting at the
given frequency), however the rx example isn't r