Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] SVD from LAPACK takes too long time

2015-03-03 Thread Marcus Müller
Hello Hoang, exciting :) Actually, if you're already using LAPACK, I doubt there's much potential for further optimization on the same platform -- if you, however, know your stuff is going to only be run on Intel Xeons or so, than maybe have a look at the Intel math kernel library lapack examples.

[Discuss-gnuradio] SVD from LAPACK takes too long time

2015-03-02 Thread Hoang Ngo Khac
Dear all, I got trouble with Singular Value Decomposition computation in GNU Radio using LAPACK. I use SVD to build a precoder for a secondary transmitter in a cognitive radio model. It takes too long times to handle a 128x144 matrix with complex entries, and therefore, the data stream to be trans