Hi Josh, I am facing the same problem as Tushar did. I am getting an
error as follows:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/grc", line 25, in
from gnuradio.grc.platforms.base.Constants import VERSION
ImportError: No module named grc.platforms.base.Constants
Josh Blum wrote:
> Tushar Patel wrote:
>> Thanks Josh
>> after typing all export I able to run GRC.
>> Now my question is , in previous GRC, we got help like color- for
>> float, complex, number, query for usrp board
>> But Here I do not able to find such help,
> Usrp probe exists:
> ht
Tushar Patel wrote:
Thanks Josh
after typing all export I able to run GRC.
Now my question is , in previous GRC, we got help like color- for
float, complex, number, query for usrp board
But Here I do not able to find such help,
Usrp probe exists: http://gnuradio.org/trac/wiki/GNURadioCompan
Thanks Josh
after typing all export I able to run GRC.
Now my question is , in previous GRC, we got help like color- for
float, complex, number, query for usrp board
But Here I do not able to find such help,
Also how can i remove my previous version of gnuradio3.1.3, or no need
to remove it.
in addition to export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages
you may need to add the following to your .bashrc
export BOOST_PREFIX=/opt/boost_1_37_0
Tushar Patel wrote:
By giving the python path I able to open grc package.
But still simple so
By giving the python path I able to open grc package.
But still simple sound prog. in not running.
I able to run audio_tone.py on command prompt.
also test the audio_fft.py on command prompt. both run fine.
But on grc any example given same erro.
r...@tkp tushar]# export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/
I assume after configure, you did make and sudo make install.
Then perhaps you PYTHONPATH is not setup properly. Run the following
command from the terminal: python -c "import gnuradio" does it produce
an error? Can you run any of the gnuradio programs, like usrp_fft.py?
Tushar Patel w