[Discuss-gnuradio] Re: GNU Radio - Skipped components

2009-09-17 Thread Josh Blum
Anton K Skårbratt wrote: I changed the line to: "PYTHON_CHECK_MODULE([lxml.etree],[Python lxml wrappers >= 1.3.6],[],[passed=no],[lxml.etree.LXML_VERSION >= (1, 3, 6, 0)])" It passed the configuration successfully! But when i ran the command make I think there were some problems (see all the

[Discuss-gnuradio] Re: GNU Radio - Skipped components

2009-09-16 Thread Josh Blum
To be honest, the version requirement is somewhat arbitrary. I looked through the lxml changelogs and picked something recent that I thought would come on most operating systems. Ubuntu 8.10 is ok, but 8.04 which is about 1.5 years old is not ok... I suggest 2 options: 1) Edit config/grc_grc

[Discuss-gnuradio] Re: GNU Radio - Skipped components

2009-09-16 Thread Josh Blum
It seems that lxml cannot be imported, or the version checking isnt working, or wrong. Try to run these commands and post the output: python -c 'import lxml; print lxml' python -c 'import lxml.etree; print lxml.etree' python -c 'import lxml.etree; print lxml.etree.LXML_VERSION' -Josh --