Thanks for the suggestions. I'll see if the same 10MHz clock changes
anything. However, my initial idea was to have devices far apart.
Clocking the with the same ref clock in that setup seems impossible.
On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 5:16 PM, Johnathan Corgan
> On Thu, Feb 24,
On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 16:54, Veljko Pejovic wrote:
> I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 with a recent gnuradio-next branch and the UHD
> driver on USRP2/WBX boards.
> In an outdoor setup I have two receiving nodes about 40m away from
> each other and from the transmitter. The transmitter is a PC with two
> The gain seems to be varying with around 2 Hz frequency.
Quite possible, the WBX transmit has an analog power control loop
formed by the ADL5386. The "gain" setting on WBX transmit is really
more of a setpoint for the power control loop than gain
I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 with a recent gnuradio-next branch and the UHD
driver on USRP2/WBX boards.
In an outdoor setup I have two receiving nodes about 40m away from
each other and from the transmitter. The transmitter is a PC with two
USRP2s connected with a MIMO cable. It is sending two diffe