Hey Laura -
Yes, you can build OOTM for use on Android - you'll just have to build them
using a manual process (e.g., Android Studio) rather than something more
automatic like PyBOMBS.
Keep us posted on your progress! Excited to hear you'll be working on this
On Tue, Mar 26, 2019
Thank you very much Ben,
The OOT blocks that I want to run in Android are written in C++ entirely.
My question is related to your comment "as long as they are built
That is, if it is possible to build OOT blocks to use in Android. But
reading your message, I assume that is possible
Hi Laura -
Sorry for the delayed response, here.
So, I'm not entirely sure I understand your question, actually. Once GNU
Radio is running in Android, using blocks from any module, in- or
out-of-tree, shouldn't be a problem as long as they are built
appropriately. Are you asking if you need to re
I might have been thinking about this in the wrong way.
The way to proceed would be to re-write the blocks in Android studio, using
(instead of importing the blocks created with gr-modtool)
Thank you and good weeked!
On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 7:44 PM Laura Arjona wrote:
> Hi everyone,
Hi everyone,
I want to build an Android App to communicate with an USRP B200-mini, and
this app should use one OOT module with several oot blocks.
How should I proceed to import my OOT module?
Thank you
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